Dear Friend,
This is my new puppy, Sadie. She's sweet, and fun, and cute. We adopted her on New Year's Eve, but didn't bring her home for almost 2 weeks due to some issues with vet appointments and whatnot. I love her to bits, even if she does have a habit of nipping at my feet as I walk. She's about 3 or 4 months old, and a german shepherd mix. We don't know what the mix is, though.
In other news, I'm in the middle of baking scones. I've never done so before, but we had some muffin mix that had an alternate recipe for scones and just had to try it. I'm praying it comes out well, especially since my last peek in the oven proved it to look like a cinnamon pizza. Come to think of it, a cinnamon pizza sounds pretty good.