Dear Friend,
Yesterday I had a birthday. However, I am more excited that I have (as far as I can tell) tagged every single post in my blog. This was a completely unnecessary task, but I just wanted to do it. Granted, not all the tags are accurate, some posts don't have a tag that they need. I plan on fixing that over the next few weeks, but right now at least all of them have labels! Yay me!
I took Friday off at work, so I could do some early birthday stuff without the crowds of weekend shoppers and what-not. I went to a huge mall, got fun stuff and ate at Noodles and Company. Such fun. Top it off with a hilarious episode of Psych (though lacking in Juliet/Lassiter interaction... in my opinion) and you've got a great pre-birthday.
Then my dear brother came to visit. On my actually birthday I slept in, played video games, had my favorite dinner and cake. Great day. Even if my brother had me watching Karate Kid.