Dear friend,
Here's another meme from LJ.
Post the first sentence (or 2) from each post of 2007. Here we go:
I've wanted to disappear for a few days.
Considering all the things that are going on in the world right now, why do I feel the need to link all my readers to this newstory?
Too many "me"s
It's not really like me to refer people to certain stores or name brands, especially when they aren't paying me, but B&N has such a sale on TV season sets that I felt I must tell all of you.
The other night, I went with my parents to a buffet.
So yesterday was my birthday.
Most girls go through the "boy-band" stage.
Is there any way to say that you feel bored, crowded, lonely, frustrated, and just plain sick of it all without complaining?
So, yeah, I used an Office icon for a new LOST day, but I've got only 1 Desmond icon that I want to save for a special occasion... and I don't fee like looking for a different one right now.
I didn't realize that the first new episode of LOST was going to be about Juliet.
I love this weird cat
Up until about 2 years ago, I loved Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone I love! Hugs all around!
I ought to be writing e-mails, the problem is, I don't feel like it.
I am officially tired of the Others.
I read a message board topic recently, asking people who owned the Wii when they first started playing video games; specifically how old were they and on what system.
On this last day of February for 2007, I just feel like spring is almost upon us.
Wow, what an entertaining episode of LOST.
I miss Psych.
I've never played a Sims game in my life.
So, when your in the process of moving, sometimes things take longer than anticipated.
I ought to be writing out e-mails, I ought to be uploading videos, I ought to be home painting (my room shall be orange, and maybe my blog will be in April, but I haven't decided. If you haven't noticed, I've decided to change the color of my blog every month) but I'm writing in my blog for no good reason.
I'm going through another of those times during which my life is just short of being awful.
Everyone gets stressed.
Excuse "myself" but when did we banish the word "me"?
So, I've been watching and enjoying Robin Hood on BBCAmerica ever since we had DirectTV installed.
I watched ten hours worth of television programming today, my friends.
I've seen Richard Armitage in three roles.
I'm not made for a "buggy" climate.
Ever smiled a sad, sad smile?
I bought Michael Buble's newest Cd "Call Me Irresponsible" today.
So... we had some issues with the wireless Internet access in the house and I haven't been able to surf the net in days.
At Target they are selling a series of CDs called "Influences".
I just watched the nine minute preview for Ratatouille on Yahoo! Movies.
I had a feeling, an awful feeling, that Charlie, my druggie "bloody rock god", would die a stupid, "What are you thinking? That was dumb! You should have done it this way!" sort of death.
So... it's 2AM.
I watch so many hour long television shows that movies now test my patience.
I, about 7 years ago, described myself as a "voice junkie."
OK, so I saw Ratatouille today and I adored it.
Psych is back of Friday, I don't know if I could be happier about a TV show.
I'm at one of those times in life that everyone experiences, I think.
Great moments of the day:
That's how I'll start my entries now, "dear friend."
How was your month of July?
Have you been especially nostalgic lately, like I have?
"What is it with men and 'The Godfather'?" Ah, my friend, "You've Got Mail" is on HBO right now.
Despite the graphic ("pilfered" from a very talented livejournal user, netherfield_x) displayed at the top of my blog for the past month, I had not seen Becoming Jane until this afternoon. My final verdict, it was OK.
How do you like the new banner? I got it from "crazy_in_lost" at livejournal. Nice, eh? I've got something of a James McAvoy interest lately, if you can't tell.
I've had various topics to write about including, among others, the random stray thought that Peter Petrelli of Heroes would be a good K3 teacher.
When you spend an entire week at work do you avoid all work related things for the weekend?
Have you ever looked at a Livejournal page?
A few quizzes because I'm bored.
Why did I use a wallpaper as a title picture?
Seriously, I shouldn't change the banner and background colors with every post. Should I?
Here's a meme I stole from Livejournal.
There is a distinct lack of blogging in my sphere of late.
Wake up Cat
This is where I found the awesome icon this entry is displaying, and many others that rock just as hard.
Yes, I did catch Time Crash on Youtube.
Aren't you excited about Christmas?
I've had a bad day.
Christmas shopping on the Friday evening before Christmas is just. plain. nuts. Don't you agree?
Are you aware that Cary Grant didn't really say that quote so often attributed to him and now gracing my Title slot? He is reported as saying it on the set of Charade and then saying, "There I finally said it."