Saturday, May 31, 2008

I still sound like I belong out there!

What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on

Western. Like Midland, Western is another accent that people consider neutral. So, you might not actually be from the Western half of the country, but you definitely sound like it.

And if you're not from the West, you are probably one of the following:
(a) A Pittsburgher - the quiz can't tell the difference;
(b) Someone from Canada (probably southern Ontario) who doesn't have a Canadian accent;
(c) Someone from northern New England who doesn't have a New England accent; or
(d) Someone from Texas or the Heartland who was born after 1980.
You are definitely not from New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, the Deep South, etc.</font>

Take this quiz now - it's easy!
We're going to start with "cot" and "caught." When you say those words do they sound the same or different?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Coming to an end

Dear friend,
As I'm sure you know the school year is almost over. I have only four more days to work with the children, and officially two weeks after that to clean the classroom. Then I am free, Free, FREE! I don't plan on taking a full two weeks to get out of there, but I don't know if the people in charge are as eager to be rid of me as I am to be rid of them. I can't imagine that I've been altogether pleasant an employee, but I have tried to be professional and up-front about what I thought was fair. This is the only "job" I've disliked. (Job is in quotes because it's only my second paying job, but I've worked at more than two places, and I've worked at a school before.) I remember that at the beginning of the year I told myself that once I was used to the work I'd love it, since that's how I usually am. It wasn't true with this place. Perhaps I'm naive, but I don't think you should work at a job that you don't like. I used to say I wouldn't work a job that I didn't love, but at this point love seems far out of reach of work. I do, however, want to wake up on some Monday mornings without a sense of impending doom and dread. I don't know (still) what's next for me, but I'm not too stressed about that. I wasn't expecting a real summer vacation, but maybe I'll take one anyway. I've got the rest of my life to be responsible and adult over the summer, you know.

In less heavy thinking, I was sick of the last layout and header the instant I put it up. I'm not actually that crazy about Guy of Gisborne, and though Richard Armitage was the only reason I started watching Robin Hood he really isn't enough to keep me watching it. Honestly, it's Much that I ended up adoring. It's maddeningly difficult to find out anything about Sam Troughton, the actor who portrays the lovable Much, but that's OK. What I have found out about him leads me to believe I wouldn't actually like him all that much. I do like his character very much though.
Also very airy and light in thought, I love how the English say "strawberry" and "squirrel".

Friday, May 16, 2008

Such awesome inner conflict

Dear Friend,
Went to see Prince Caspian tonight and it's awfully awesome and awesomely awful. I hate that I love this film. Let me explain... no is too much, let me sum up. (OK, I'll stop quoting Princess Bride. Tonight anyway.) It's an entertaining, exciting and engaging movie. As an adaptation of Lewis's book, it's terrible.
I sat there watching moments in the film thinking, "This is wrong! This is so wrong, that never happened. Good heavens, that was AWESOME! But it shouldn't have happened." I decided to just watch it as a film. I can like both the book and the movie.
I do know that quite a few people will be up in arms about the "inaccuracies." All I have to say in response is, go read the book, and try to picture it all literally in a film. That is one short, weird film, dudes. You have to admit the format in the book isn't a good film. It's a good story, but it wouldn't work on the screen. I'm not saying I completely agree with all the changes they made, but it was a good movie.
I'll probably go see it with my Mum next weekend. She didn't come tonight.
OK, so, what I remember of my random thoughts in the movie: "Can I slap Peter, please? He needs it. I want Susan's wardrobe. Why can't Caspian act? I think I love Edmund, in a non-creepy way... anyway. I want to be Lucy. Reepicheep!!! much love for the mouse!"
OK, enough squee. Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

An apple for the teacher, Pineapple that is!

Dear friend,
I'm not sure exactly which day it is, but some day this week is Teacher Appreciation Day. The school I work at has expanded it to a week. Each day of the week has a different theme for suggested gifts. Today was fruit/snack day. I was given a form last week to fill out with my favorite stuff. I wrote down pineapple partly as a joke. I'm not sure I really love pineapple, I do know I like it OK, but they make me smile, all the time. So, it's pretty cool that I got one, and now I'll have to decide what to do with it. If you have any suggestions, tell me, 'k?

Otherwise, life kinda sucks at the moment. I have to be at work two weeks longer than I thought I did, we have no real plans for the "graduation" we're supposed to do for our students, the teacher I work with is driving me nuts, we got a new student who's trouble and will be getting another tomorrow, and I've been sick since Saturday, I haven't slept through the night for the last two nights, I can't talk because I lost my voice yesterday, and I don't know what I'm going to do for a job or money after this school year. Oh, and did I mention the mouse in the hallway in front of our classroom today? I kind of wish I had made a bigger deal of it and made the visiting prospective parents who were pretty much in each of the neighboring rooms notice it. Yeah, I hate this school that much. I didn't draw attention to it, though. I think it was about to die anyway. It's disturbing to think that I work in a place that has (apparently) vermin. I'd never send my child to this school, it just sucks.

Ahh, that rants done. It feels good to get that off my chest.