Sunday, June 26, 2005

Even conservative me could get kicked out of college!

So, I came across the online posting of campus rules for this (freaky) college down in Florida. I'll refrain from naming this place, but I was just amazed that even I, the goody-two-shoes girl, have the potential to be expelled from a college. I'll just list the rules that would get me in "trouble"

"Women must wear a skirt or dress at all times. Jean skirts are allowed at dating outings only. Long shorts (i.e., "gauchos" or "culottes") which reach the knee are permitted for athletic activity."

Say wha? I refuse to wear a dress at all times. And then, to tell me that I can't wear my jean skirt (which I happen to have on today) is just sick and wrong! It's my favorite skirt!

"Women must wear nylons ("hose") with skirts, but may wear socks with shorts."

I haven't worn nylons in Months! And I've never worn socks with shorts, always sandals. Would these people be offended by the sight of my toes or what?

"You may not wear pants in your dorm, although sweats ARE permitted after prayer group."

Get real.

"No two-piece swimming suits (although, this is a bit irrelevant since a male should never see you swimming)."

So I guess my "tankini" two-peice is out, even though you can't see any of my midsection and it actually covers more of my body than a normal suit. Also, apparently these people are the kind who think "mixed bathing" will send you straight to hell!!!!!!11 (Oh no, I said hell, that's probably against the rules, too!)

"No backless shoes or dresses."

I have more backless shoes than normal ones, dude. No way I'm giving them up. Especially in Florida.

"It should be noted that at any time, the administration (or students authorized by the administration) may go through your room, unannounced, looking for anything unauthorized. Legally or not, this will include opening drawers and going through paperwork. You may or may not be present, and you may or may not be notified."

Um... not only no...

"If you are still in bed you may receive demerits for not having your bed made (although it is acceptable to make your bed, go back to sleep on top of the made bed while your floorleader is checking room jobs, and then crawl back under the covers after the floorleader exits the room. However, you must wait until the floorleader crosses the threshold before actually beginning to "crawl" back under the covers)."
I haven't made my bed first thing in the morning for weeks. Also, note that you can't swim with the opposite sex, but loopholes are perfectly acceptable! Good old "works" mentality (did someone think about this before writing it?)

"After bed-time ("lights out:" 11:00 every day, including weekends) you may receive demerits for talking, taking your contacts out, having your feet on the floor (or possibly suspended a few inches from the floor), being in the bathroom, or basically doing anything but lying in bed."

Whoa. I haven't been in bed before 11 in a really long time. Let alone having the lights out by 11. (suspended above the floor, that's a hoot)

"You may not have: television, personal stereo (walkman), microwave, fans, skillets, hot plate, coffee pot, electric blanket, extra furniture, or a living pet (also presumably includes a "dead" pet - not clear whether this includes pet rocks or plants) of any kind."

I'm so kicked out of this school. (Like I'd ever want to go there!) But seriously, who is using an electric blanket in Florida?!?!)

"You may not sing "too loud" during prayer group."

This wouldn't get me kicked out, I just can't believe it's really a rule.

"You may not go bare-foot in the halls or lounge."

But, barefoot is the way to be.

"You may not go to Cordova Mall after 5:00 p.m."

I know nothing of Cordova Mall, but this is just insane. So are all the other places that they tell their students are off-limits.

"There are a myriad of restaurants the students are not allowed to go to, although faculty and staff frequent them (more specifics on campus)."

Oh, so they're a "Do as I say, not as I do" sort of place. Hypocrites.

"Freshmen/Sophomore women must leave campus in groups of three or more. Junior/Senior women, in groups of 2."


"You may not go to a public library"

Again, Not only no... Are they crazy? There is no keeping me from a public library. And just what sort of evil is at a library? And who's going to know I'm there?

"Women are not allowed to hold off campus jobs. (All school jobs during the year pay minimum wage or below)"

Double standard time! Why can't women get a job that pays them more than minimum wage? Because it's off-campus! I cannot believe that anyone would subject themselves to such crap. That's exactly what it is, too, utter crap.

"The BMG or Columbia House music club catalogs are not allowed
Music is limited to classical, hymns, accepted "new age" and instrumental, and that distinctive "PCC sound."
No "paraphenelia" (posters, books, stickers, etc) associated with "non-passing" media is allowed in your dorm, on your person, or in your car.
You may recieve demerits for having your radio tuned to a "non-passing" radio station, even if you have not touched the dial since you were home."

(Oops, I guess I just gave the college away, oh well, now you've been warned) As someone who rarely listens to hymns (I think I have one CD that is specifically hymns, it's by Out of Eden, and really good) and who happens to love certain "secular" music and enjoys Radio Disney (yes, I'm 22 and I listen to Radio Disney) I couldn't stand for any of these restrictions. Ever!

"No student is allowed to talk or otherwise interact with another student of the opposite sex outside of a "chaperoned" area. It does not matter if they are alone or among hundreds of students if it is not an "official" chaperoned area."

I can't talk to the boys? Most of my friends are boys! Boys are (or at least tend to be) more interesting than girls! Don't take my boys from me!!!

"There is to be no physical contact between students of the opposite sex, except perhaps on some "dating outings," where hand-holding games are played.
The official rule on "indirect contact" is unknown. It is much talked about, but unevenly enforced. This includes such things as tugging on a coat, poking with a pencil, etc."

Mean, just mean. (Of course, I don't touch people all that much anyway.)

"Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil."'

Can't even talk to my own brother. *shakes head*

"There is to be NO. . .
Eating food purchased off-campus in a public area
Playing of instruments (of any kind) in your room, or outside. The only place to play on campus is in the practice rooms.
Possession of an electric guitar or amplifier
Horseplay. This is completely subjective and can be for anything from loudness to throwing a pillow.
"Indirect Horseplay." This appears to be watching "horseplay" from a distance without doing anything to stop it/being entertained by it.
Gambling (or possession of standard playing cards).
Attendance at a movie theater or unapproved concert/event."

Good heavens! If I were forced to go to this school, I would be guilty of all of these! (Ok, so I don't have an electric guitar yet, but I would run out and buy one with these ridiculous rules hanging over my head)

"No Lying or any form of deception (widely interpreted and applicable only to students)."

What? The teachers can lie?

I think that's it. But good golly. It's more than enough.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

You are Deb and you could drink whole milk if you

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A few things

People are quirky. I think that's what makes them interesting. One of my quirks is that when I'm in a movie theatre, I think Cherry Coke and Junior Mints are the two best things that can ever be eaten together, get me out of a theatre, and I think they taste gross together. Another quirk of mine, I will get anything out of a cat's mouth, but I won't go anywhere near a baby's mouth. You can tell me, "Hey, S, there's a string hanging out of your cat's mouth!" and down I go, to pull whatever it is right out, no matter how drooly it is. Yet, tell me, "S, get the baby, he's chewing on something a baby shouldn't chew on!" I'll nearly recoil in horror at the thought of touching what touched that child's mouth. I'll hesitate more about baby drool, than dog drool. Granted, I do dislike dog drool, it's nasty, but not as much as I hate baby drool. I'll be one "icked out" mother one day.

I went to Batman Begins with a few friends this week. One of them, (I'll call him Wayne) didn't want to pay the ridiculous prices that they charge for Theatre snacks, so he sneaked in a little candy. Now, I had idly wondered once or twice how guys did that, since they don't carry purses like girls do, and I hide my snacks in my purse, well he answered my question that night. Wayne had strapped a package of Twizzlers to one leg, and a bag of Skittles to the other with bungee cords. Man, I love him, he's the funniest guy. Even if he doesn't like the Lord of the Rings movies, or the Star Wars prequels. But then, I have a few friends who either haven't seen or dislike those sets of movies (which I love) and still like them.

Took a friend of mine to a Bible Study that I've been going to for about a month now. I don't know why I did, I knew that I would probably end up talking mostly to her. I'm still not quite comfortable around the people at the Bible study, but I'm getting there. I'm so shy that it frankly amazes me that I have any friends. Yet somehow out of nowhere I seem to have a social life. I haven't done anything to try to get this social life, and it almost feels like it's just spilling over from some friends I've had for about 4 years now. They're the ones who are meeting these people, and I'm meeting their friends, and somehow becoming friends with them myself. Which I suppose is what happens normally. Maybe I'm just more open to people now than I was a year ago, when I was so depressed about not having a social life.

Having a BBQ for July 4th. I'm looking forward to it. We had one for Memorial Day, but it was cold and foggy, so we spent most of our time inside. It was fun, but not quite like a BBQ to me. I'm praying for good weather this time around. That and all my guests have a good time. One of my friends that I haven't seen in months should be able to come down for it, and frankly I'm going to have to try not to ignore all my other guests because I'm paying so much attention to her. Maybe not, there will be a few guys there that I like. (Not like-like, but you know) Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of people at it, especialy the ones I haven't seen in awhile.

Word of advice, if you have company overnight, and you stay up talking for a long time, and you look up and realize that it's 4AM, you may as well stay up the rest of the night. My best friend and I usually only talk until 3AM, but last night, we made it to 4. I tell you, it felt like 4 in the afternoon to me, but I knew she had things to do today, so we decided to get some sleep. We managed about 6 hours sleep, I think. Thank God for not working on Saturdays.

I've written enough for now, I think. All rather random, really.

Till next I write!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sacrifice sucks

I hate having to give up things that I love. I'm pretty sure that just about everyone could relate to that statement, but I'm especially feeling it right now. I've recently been made aware that my parents don't "allow" me to hug guys. This would have been a fabulous thing to know before I got used to and started enjoying hugging one of my coworkers.

Now, whenever I see him, I have the urge to run up to him, wrap my arms around him and hug with all my might. I'm not sure if this is a contrary streak in me, or the fact that I'm aware that he's a good hugger and I just like hugs in general.

So, since I don't consider the occasional hug worth a "fight", I did as I was told and informed him that he couldn't hug me anymore. It was an embarrassing conversation, but I survived. It was embarrassing enough that I left the explanation of why for another day, and hope that I didn't hurt his feelings. If I did, he hasn't shown it, but do guys really do that ever?

Obviously, the sacrifice that my title refers to is this sacrifice of not hugging guys anymore. I never thought that it would be so difficult to me. I'm a "closet hugger", I guess. Most people who know me would probably guess that I don't care one way or the other about hugs, but I do. If I had my way, I'd hug each and every one of my friends whenever I saw them, regardless of gender. But most people I know don't seem too comfortable with hugging, so I don't bother.

Anyway, I think I know now how it might have been for my mom when she gave up eating sweets. You know it's better for you, and the right thing to do, but you see everyone else getting to do what you can't and you feel a little jealous. She seems used to it now, wonder if I'll ever get used to my sacrifice.

Till next I write