Friday, May 29, 2009

Saw Up, and loved it

Dear Friend,
My Dad and I went to see Pixar's Up this morning. I loved it.
Up is about Carl Fredricksen, and his house. The movie begins with Carl as a young boy, who idolizes an explorer named Charles Muntz. When Carl meets a young, adventurous girl who also admires Muntz, they become fast friends, and years later, marry. My favorite sequence in the movie is Carl and Ellie's marriage. The series of clips shows a loving, sweet relationship and quickly causes the audience to care about these two characters.
When Ellie is gone, Carl stays in his house, because it makes him feel close to her. But the outside world is getting too close, and all around the house major construction is going on. Through an unfortunate series of events, Carl is about to be forced to live in a retirement home. Carl remembers a promise he made to Ellie, to help her acquire her dream of moving the house to an amazing location in South America. When he's about to be taken away, he releases balloons out of his chimney and floats away.
What he didn't realize is that a young boy named Russel has been caught on his porch. Russel is a scout who needs just one more badge, Assisting the Elderly, and he's been trying to assist Carl, who isn't looking to be assisted.

That's essentially the premise. Honestly, you need to see the movie. The animation is beautiful, the story is entertaining, funny and sweet. I can't think of a single thing that detracted from the film. The characters are well depicted and acted. Carl and Ellie are one of the cutest couples I seen on film. Russel is adorable. Dug the dog is wonderfully and fully "dog." Even the bird, "Kevin," is lovable. As always, I loved Giacchino's score, as well.

I think Pixar hit another one out of the park.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hey you, yeah, you

Dear Friend,
This post is going to be composed of things I didn't say. They are for specific people, but I'm not going to say who. Some of the people will be able to see them, either in my blog, my facebook or my livejournal, and some of them probably will never know this exists. If you think one of the statements is about you, realize that I'm not mad at you, and I don't mean offense. If you really want to talk about it you can contact me, ok? Just please refrain from doing so in public comments.

Ok, disclaimer over: here we go!

Hey You!

I knew. I only acted surprised because you expected me to.

It sucks that you were only my friend because you had a crush on me.

I didn't expect you to come back. You know why? You were so insistent you wouldn't leave. You were trying to convince yourself, not me.

The first time you made me feel stupid I figured I was being a ditz. The second time you made me feel stupid I decided you were a jerk.

I wish we could actually be friends.

Stop saying that, you don't know what other people think of you (obviously).

Just because I have a crush on you doesn't mean I expect you to have one on me, too.

I didn't need a break, I wasn't busy. I was just tired of dealing with you and your garbage, and I'm surprised you don't seem to have caught on to that.

I'm sorry I was such a jerk. You just caught me off guard.

You know what, your opinion isn't fact. I know that must shock you.

Acting like everything is ok doesn't make it ok.

I told you. You didn't listen.

Everyone else talked about you for it. I said something to you about it. Of course you got ticked at me.

I'm tired of initiating the conversations.

I don't care how "important" you are, you're still a jerk and a bully.

Say that to me again, and you'll be picking yourself up off the floor.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 08, 2009

"Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"

Dear Friend,
I saw Star Trek today. I want to go see it again. It was that awesome.
I've never watched Star Trek before. I mean, my Dad has watched it for about as long as I can remember, and I've been in the room while it was on, but I've never watched, you know what I mean?
The movie was great. I liked the characters and the plot was interesting. Even though J.J. Abrams seems to be obsessed with time travel (LOST, anyone?) it was still good. Honestly, see this movie. Even if you don't usually watch things like this, watch it. It's worth it.

On the other hand, don't bother with Wolverine. I saw that last week, and didn't care about any of the characters and even the action scenes were boring. It's what I consider a failure of a movie.

Also, apparently I need a hobby, because I sat in the movie thinking, "That sounds like Giacchino. I think Giacchino scored this. Oh, right, of course he did, J.J. Abrams did this movie." and then later thought, "Gee, that sounds like the Others theme from LOST."

Yeah, I pay too much attention to movie music.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Why I won't get a tattoo

Dear Friend,
There are many reasons for me not to get a tattoo. The biggest being that I can't imagine any image or words that I would want permanently inked into my flesh for the rest of my life. Another biggie is that my dear mum would disown me, which would be inconvenient as I still live with my parents. There's also the, what's the word, stigma? that goes along with tattoos, particularly around some religious people. Add to that, my major fear of needles and my skin remains unmarked.
But I like tattoos. I like the art, and the story or significance of tattoos.

True story, my dad, before he was married, planned to get a tattoo, but since he is also afraid of needles he got drunk beforehand and the shop refused to tattoo a drunk person.

There was an article on a Christian site I go to about making the decision about whether or not to get ink. Unfortunately, the article is split in two parts, and it won't be finished until next week. Personally, I don't think it's a sin, but I wouldn't recommend it.

There's a nearby town that I've seen at least three different tattoo shops in. Understandably there are a lot of people with ink around there. Most of the choices they've made seem really unfortunate in my eyes. I can't tell you how many different girls I've seen with words written across the backs of their necks. I think it's not pretty. I don't mind tattoos there, but words seem out of place. (No offense meant if you have words on your neck) I met a girl in Colorado who regretted her neck tattoo and always wore her hair in a loose, low bun to try and hide it.

I've seen, mostly in pictures online, tattoos where a necklace would fall on a persons chest. I can't fathom that.

If I ever were to get one, it probably wouldn't be where anyone could see; like my upper back. That would work, since I'm not in the habit of wearing halter tops or anything... yeah. Oh, you know what would be cute there? Little wings! Or would that be cheesy? Doesn't matter, it won't ever happen anyway.