Friday, June 27, 2008


Dear Friend,
So, you just knew I'd be blogging today, right? If anything, you thought I'd have blogged earlier, right? Yeah, I know. So, let's get down to it: Wall-E was great. That little robot was so adorable! This movie made me cry, dude!
I'll now attempt to look objectively at this film. There was a definite environmental and "green" feel to this movie, what with the world's population evacuating a trash-filled earth and such. There was also quite the message about getting up off your fat a- I mean butt- and observing the beauty of the natural world around you. I, as a bit of a tree-hugger (according to some) had no problem with that, but even if you think that environmental propaganda needs to go the way of the Dodo bird (how's that for irony) you have to admit that these messages should be heeded to some extent. I appreciate that this film didn't verbally attack you with repeated messages like "Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!!! or die!" It was also rather amused at the exaggeration that they used. While you know things would never get that extreme, you realize that, well, maybe in the worst-case scenario, they could.
What was truly great about the movie, though, was the character of Wall-E, and even Eve. You can actually believe that these robots, inanimate objects though they are, have personalities. Wall-E is one of the sweetest little characters I've seen in a Pixar film. He can barely say anything, not much more than his own name and Eve's (which he pronounces as "Eev-ah") and the occasional Ta-da! There isn't a lot of dialogue in the film, really, but it's good storytelling since you don't miss it much. I didn't miss it at all, to tell the truth.
I was pleasantly surprised by the use of live-action actors on screen, but it was done well. I loved the space scenes, as well.
I have no idea if that review was coherent. To sum up, I enjoyed the movie. I will be buying it when the DVD comes out, and expect Wall-E icons to accompany my posts in the future. As I blog I'm looking for icons in another window. Yes, I'm that talented.
I only wish I could have found the soundtrack in a store. I loved the use of music, especially La Vie En Rose with Louis Armstrong. And the two songs from Hello Dolly. Yeah, it was adorable. It was Wall-E's favorite movie, such a sweet little robot.
I re watched Napolean Dynamite tonight, as well. My brother had never seen it. I watched it right after it came out on DVD and found it rather stupid. I watched it again about a year later and smiled a bit. I watched it tonight, and cracked up. I think I just needed to realize that I was in this movie's world, where random rubbish occurs and you're just supposed to laugh at it. It worked tonight.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You know who was pretty? Grace Kelly

Dear friend,
I've just endured some ribbing from my dearly loved brother about the fact that I don't really notice if girls are cute or not. I really don't. Unless someone is strikingly beautiful, I don't notice it. There is also the factor that I have a tendency to like odd looking faces, male or female, so I'm hesitant to call someone pretty. Pretty people aren't always the most interesting people to look at, in my weird opinion.
However, when I think of pretty or downright beautiful women, I think of Grace Kelly. Princess Grace to me was the embodiment of Hollywood beauty and glamour. She was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
I also am a fan of Audrey Hepburn. I don't actually tend to think she was that beautiful, but she had very appealing looks. And the woman could wear clothes and make them look amazing. One of my favorite Hepburn moments is the Ascot scene in My Fair Lady. There's also an amazingly beautiful dress she wears in Sabrina.
Clothes tend to be, for some odd reason, a major factor in how attractive I consider women. Apparently if you can make custom clothes for some woman, I'll think she looks great. OK, possibly not to that extreme. Although, I definitely like looking at Susan from Chronicles of Narnia though I don't consider Anna Popplewell to be very attractive. So, maybe it is to that extreme.
The last woman I stopped and thought looked really pretty was Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. I also thought that Aishwarya Rai of Bride and Prejudice was extremely pretty. Actually, Bride and Prejudice had a lot of pretty cast members. Leona Lewis is pretty, even if I am sick of Bleeding Love. Halle Berry is pretty.
There are a lot of pretty women, I just don't tend to notice them. I think it may relate also to the fact that I don't tend to think people are that attractive at first sight. I relate behavior and demeanor very closely to beauty. To me, if you act ugly, you are ugly; therefore, I will wait to see who you are before I decide how you look.

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Layout, so why not post?

Dear Friend,
I felt for a richer color scheme, and to get rid of any sort of media related images in my intro and title. So, what do you think? I love the rose picture, but am a bit concerned that it is, well, huge. We'll see how I take to it.
I also wanted to stop using the Robin Hood banners because, although the artist who made them made them really well, the show sucks. I haven't truly watched it for the past month. I've had the TV on, and looked up when something "interesting" happened (usually when Much or Gisborne were on screen) but even that has been getting to be too stupid. I have been told that Much tells Robin off in the finale, so I may keep trying, just to see if my favorite character finally gets a backbone.
I'm looking forward to seeing Wall-E this Friday. I'm hoping to see it before the "kiddy" crowd sees it, because though I love animated movies and kids, I'm none too fond of them put together. I also want to see Wanted with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy. Now, there is a contrast. Strange thing is, I've not seen an R rated movie yet, and since the first PG-13 movie I saw sucked, I've held out on watching one until I had picked a great movie. I've decided that the Godfather will be the first R movie I watch. I just need to find the time to watch it. The problem really is, I'm a wimp. No, really, I watch the AFI countdowns and when they show clips of the Godfather they always show the same clip of people being shot in the head, and this one clip that obviously is deemed suitable to air on prime time TV sends me into shock! How I'll get through that entire film I don't know. Then, if I find that I can't make it through the Godfather, I doubt I'll make it through Wanted, rated R for "strong, bloody violence" throughout. Yeesh.
I'm actually slightly apprehensive about the next Batman film. I'm such a wimp.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Would you believe Chuck Norris with a BB gun?

Dear Friend,
I have been seeing more movies this summer than is my usual wont. (I love that word, "wont" it's fun) I've just seen my third, and boy was it fun. Get Smart was really funny. It's a great waste of time, if you've got time to waste. I think it helps to be familiar with the old show, but not too fanatical about the old show. It also helps if you have a nearly unhealthy fascination with Steve Carell. *glances at icon "stamp"* What? I'm just saying... and I've been waiting to use that icon... anyway. Anne Hathaway was good in this, too. I like Hathaway, despite certain things I've heard about her. In cases such as these my policy of just plain not caring about actors personalities or lives works pretty well. If they entertain my on screen I don't care about who they really are.
OK, I am so rambling now. The movie was good, but to be honest I'm not sure it would stand up to a second viewing. In general I would recommend it to a friend, if I knew they liked stupid, yet not too stupid, comedy.
Ovation TV (arty channel, just my speed) has been having a week devoted to animation. Happy me, I've enjoyed nearly all the documentaries on the studios and animators and what-not. Ub Iwerks was a fascinating man, and the majority of people don't realize that he came up with Mickey Mouse, which saddens me. He drew the character and pretty much single-handedly animated his first cartoon. He was an amazing inventor, too. If you have any interest in animation, look that man up. He'll astound you.
I just realized a few minutes ago that my dear brother has a link to my blog on his blog. Isn't he just cool? I love that his entries have more depth than mine. I still have issues with letting myself get too serious in "public" and therefore my writings tend to be from the shallow end of the pool. My brother, however, all kinds of deep, and I love him for it.
The rest of my (planned) summer movies will include Wall-E, Wanted, the new Batman and possibly a few more. I'm not sure just now.
I'm considering a blog of reviews of my DVD collection. That would be quite a project considering the size of my media shelf. It would be more organized and eloquent than the "reviews" I write here. We'll see what develops.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Dear friend,
I'd forgotten how very dull and low life is in the "in-between times". Those times when you don't have anything pressing to do can be as depressing as they are freeing. I don't know what to do with myself, despite an abundance of required tasks around me. I know this too will pass, but I'm living in the right now, dang it!
I had a sort of realization last night. I want to be in a "Roger and Anita Radcliffe" situation. One of my favorite movies is Disney's 101 Dalmatians. (If you have even a slight interest in animation that film is amazing. The Xerox machine changed animation forever! And the design is captivatingly attractive) The dog's owners were recently married and wonderful together. The moment that sticks into my mind is the scene in which Roger is composing the tune that would ultimately be "Cruella DeVille" and make him a load of money. At this moment in the film, though, he's just upstairs making music. As he comes downstairs the couple has cute banter about the song until the villain arrives at the door. Roger makes fun of the approaching visitor with his new song, as he makes his exit. After Cruella leaves he reemerges from his "studio" still teasing in song. The couple dances and as his song ends the two share a "married moment." You just know that these two love each other, even though they tease and joke, they each take such games as good-naturedly as it is meant. Somehow that animated, fictional couple rings true to my heart.
Another animated couple dear to my heart is "Jim Dear and Darling" from Lady and the Tramp, but I don't think I'll go into detail for that tonight.
In more real, right now news, I've got a Wii Fit. I'm rather dedicated to this little workout program. It has me doing (light) exercise every day for the past week. That's no small accomplishment for lazy little me. I rather like the hula hoop game.

Now that that's all out of my mind...
Goodnight, friend!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Cliffs are for climbing. That's why God gave us grappling hooks

Dear Friend,
Tomorrow, if I play my cards right, could be my last day of work at the school. I've been thinking over what I'd like to do in the short amount of time that I plan on being between jobs. I have more hopes than time (I assume, since I don't actually know when my "break" will be over) but I like listing things. Here are a few things I'd like to accomplish this summer.

1. Pick up piano again
2. Learn to play guitar
3. Finish unpacking those boxes of stuff that belongs in my room.
4. Paint the ugly trim in my room
5. Learn to make amigurumi dolls
6. Make a felt "Much" doll, maybe
7. Make custom pillows for the daybed
8. Make a pineapple upside down cake
9. Acquire a few t-shirts and then make them into new, cool things
10. Try painting with watercolors
11. Make some clothes
12. Make it out to the new C28 store
13. Eat at the new Noodles n' Company restaurant near here
14. Lose a few inches around my tummy (can't think in lbs. since I don't know what I weigh
15. Cut a fringe (or bangs for people here in the US)
16. Read Frankenstein
17. Read Persuasion
18. Beat Mario Kart Wii
19. Acquire every character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
20. Illustrate that book by my Dad's co-worker
21. Rearrange my cork board
22. Go to the Smithsonian
23. Decorate cake with Fondant
24. Re-watch the entire (so far) series of LOST
25. Go to Colorado for a visit (maybe)

I'll stop at 25 things, but I'm sure if I sat here and thought for long enough I'd come up with quite a few more.
Hoping that your summer is filled with relaxing and energizing plans!

Monday, June 02, 2008

I love these silly personality quizzes

Your Ice Cream Personality:

You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.

You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.

You are a fairly open minded person with a wide range of tastes. You are quite accepting of unusual ideas and people.

You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.

You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Catching up

Dear Friend,
How've you been the last few days? I've been busy, but it's been the good sort of busy that leads up to a desired end. A very desired end. I can't wait for the end, really. This past Friday was the K3 Celebration at school, and now there are no more classes with the little dears. I'm half relieved and half sad to think that I won't have a hand in molding their young minds anymore. I won't miss the tantrums, the tattling, the yelling, or the crying. I will miss the smiles and laughs and discoveries that mark that age as well. I'll miss the hugs and "Hello Ms. S" and random stories they tell you about themselves. I didn't cry at the goodbyes, and almost feel like an unfeeling jerk because of it. I just don't think I'm cut out for being this sort of teacher, so I don't want to prolong the time.
Two more weeks at the school, I suppose. Then life finally moves on again.
In entertainment news... I'm becoming obsessed with the Itunes commercial for the exclusive song Viva la Vida by Coldplay. If I hear it come on TV I stop what I'm doing watch the commercial. I haven't decided if I'll buy it. I've never listened to Coldplay before. What? Don't look at me like that.
So, how about LOST. So glad that Des and Penny reunited. So sad that Dan and Charlotte said goodbye. Surprised to find that I prefer Kate with Sawyer to Kate and Jack. Dismayed to discover that most of my concern for this show revolves around the relationships. Ha, maybe not. I'm really wishing the next season was coming really, really soon so I can find out what happens to everyone. I wasn't shocked or awed by who was in the coffin. I almost didn't even care. I want to know what's up with Claire. I also want to know what happens to the people in the boat, do they move with the island or are they stranded in the middle of nowhere on the ocean? Otherwise, the finale did well with tying up loose ends of this season. BTW, Penny can't die. I'd cry for days. Or not, but I wouldn't be happy.
Watched Cranford (DVR'ed from PBS) today. It felt like it went on forever and wasn't about anything in particular. It was good, and sweet, but slightly boring. It was like real life, a bunch of small happenings to a large group of people. I won't buy it, or watch it again soon. I like Gaskell, usually, though I haven't read any of her books. Wives and Daughters was about Molly Gibson, North and South was about Margaret Hale and John Thornton, but Cranford was about everybody.

I guess that's it friend,
See you next time.