Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why I'm not a critic

Dear friend,
I just had another session of reading negative reviews of products that I enjoy. That little hobby of mine might sound weird, and even frustrating, but I still do it. Sometimes it can be funny to see someone's vehement hatred of something silly and unimportant like a movie or CD. (In the sense that there are definitely more vital parts of our lives that the same energy could be used in pondering.)

In any case, friend, tonight I was reading reviews of Owl City's album Ocean Eyes. It seems to me that there are only two opinions to have about this album, either you think it sucks or you adore it. I am in the second camp. I cannot seem to get enough of this dude's music. The thing is, though, I'm able to understand those who hate it. When I step back and look at it rationally, the music isn't good. The singing, the lyrics, the style, etc. when looked at objectively aren't great. Yet somehow, put them all together, and it touches something in my heart or soul in a way that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

And so, that is why I'm not a critic. I can't tell you what is of good quality and worth your time. I can only tell you what gives me a feeling of being wrapped in a comfy blanket.

Owl City isn't for everyone. In general I'd almost say that if you're not a romantic (hopelessly and classically so) don't bother. If you do give him a shot and hate him, don't say I didn't warn you (and what's wrong with you?)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Darn these two viewing minimum movies

Dear Friend,
I saw Alice in Wonderland today.
All I can tell you is that I enjoyed it. I can also tell you that I can't tell you whether I recommend it or not yet.

My mind works in this weird way when I see certain films. One brilliant example would be Becoming Jane. I went to the theatre the first time to see that film and came out not sure whether I liked the movie or not. I went to see it a second time and decided that it was just ok, not that great. When it came out of DVD I rented it and decided that I disliked the movie. So, that movie was a three timer.

I came out of Alice thinking that I had been entertained. My Dad gave it a 3.5 out of five, and asked me if I would be buying it. I told him I probably wouldn't. This surprised him. I explained to him that it needed to stand up to a second viewing. (Prince Caspian didn't stand up to it's second viewing very well)

Most of the online reviews (given by people who are not professional film critics) are saying much the same thing: It's great visuals cover a so-so story. So, I won't say that. I'll instead list a few pros and cons.

Costumes! Costumes! Costumes! (granted, it seems they want to see how many geeks they can get to dress up like Alice at ComicCon this year)
Soundtrack by Danny Elfman
Not entirely boring
For some reason Mad Hatter was Scottish sometimes... like when reciting "Jabberwocky" (yes, that's a pro)

The Eye stuff (would be a spoiler to explain)
That horrid dance (ditto)
The beginning and ending sequences were dull
There's something missing... I've heard it was edited and chopped a bit from the original screenplay. Maybe that something was left on the cutting room floor.

Actually, I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I will again. I'll have to give it at least one more try.