Friday, May 08, 2009

"Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"

Dear Friend,
I saw Star Trek today. I want to go see it again. It was that awesome.
I've never watched Star Trek before. I mean, my Dad has watched it for about as long as I can remember, and I've been in the room while it was on, but I've never watched, you know what I mean?
The movie was great. I liked the characters and the plot was interesting. Even though J.J. Abrams seems to be obsessed with time travel (LOST, anyone?) it was still good. Honestly, see this movie. Even if you don't usually watch things like this, watch it. It's worth it.

On the other hand, don't bother with Wolverine. I saw that last week, and didn't care about any of the characters and even the action scenes were boring. It's what I consider a failure of a movie.

Also, apparently I need a hobby, because I sat in the movie thinking, "That sounds like Giacchino. I think Giacchino scored this. Oh, right, of course he did, J.J. Abrams did this movie." and then later thought, "Gee, that sounds like the Others theme from LOST."

Yeah, I pay too much attention to movie music.

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