Dear friend,
Are you aware that Cary Grant didn't really say that quote so often attributed to him and now gracing my Title slot? He is reported as saying it on the set of Charade and then saying, "There I finally said it."
I adore Cary Grant films, in general, and was the thankful recipient of a box set of his films this Christmas. I am currently watching "Talk of the Town" right this second. I like this movie, even though I find it weird. It seems to alternate between being serious, and being silly. Every now and again the soundtrack goes through a series of cartoonish interludes, yet the plot is about a man accused of arson and murder. Plus, the scene with the other guy's "manservant" crying as his boss shaves is just plain odd.
I already watched "Holiday" one of the only films with Katherine Hepburn in it that I will gladly own. (I don't care for her, you see) Grant is good in it, but it's really more of her movie. She's on screen more often, and she plays the character that explains their ideals.
I love "His Girl Friday" though I admit to liking it a little less each time I watch. Honestly, Grant's character isn't a "good" guy, but he is likable somehow. I love the speed of the dialogue. It makes you pay attention.
"The Awful Truth" is adorable, even though it's about divorce. It's a Cary Grant comedy, so you know it has a happy ending. Besides, you have such fun getting to that ending.
I haven't seen "Only Angels have Wings" in years, and I don't remember liking it much. I'm going to give it a brand new chance, and try to watch as though it's brand new to me. It has Jean Arthur in it, whom I find cute, so I'm willing to like it if I can.
Speaking of cute, I really like the ladies in these films. The aforementioned Jean Arthur, Rosalind Russel and Irene Dunne are like able. The set includes some postcards, half movie posters, half promotional shots. My favorite are the promotional shots, really because of the ladies. Grant's pose is nearly identical in each photo, but the women look lovely. Next time I rearrange my cork board, they're going up on it.
It's not in this set, but Charade is a great Grant film, as is To Catch a Thief. He's older in both of those, but he's a good actor at any age.
The funny thing is, usually if I'm a fan of an actor, especially an attractive one, I say I have a crush on them. No such with me and Grant. I admire him, and appreciate him, but I don't fancy him. I guess he's the exception that proves the rule.