Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A new year is coming, you know what that means?

Dear Friend,
2010 was not a year of blogging. I don't really know what happened, I just didn't feel like writing out what was going through my head most days. I've had ideas, but no motivation. I'm hoping to change that. I've got a few ideas for blog entries, even a few series, that I have to do a little research on. (Research, on a blog? Aren't blog entries supposed to be spontaneous? What?)

Just to let you know, the first series I want to write is about people who inspire me. I made a list of ten people who make me want to get up off my butt and do something, even if it isn't what that person does. Hopefully either next week or after the beginning of the year I'll get started on that.

I'm planning on editing my NaNo novel after the new year starts. I think that will be enough of a break from the story to let me look objectively at the story and change what needs to be changed. I'm not satisfied with the story as it stands, so I know that editing needs to be done.

Eliot comic strips are also in the planning stages. I'm out of practice drawing him, so I've been sketching him lately, before I try to combine the art with the plot lines.

Christmas baking is swiftly approaching. For once I have no plans to try any new recipes. I'm hoping for a quiet Christmas, since Thanksgiving was extremely busy.

What is it about the end of the year that makes me so ambitious?

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