Sunday, November 21, 2004

Mood matches hair

Dyed my hair black on Thursday. It was supposed to be dark brown, like my natural hair color and I got this raven black that makes me look pale. Oh well. It's ok.
The only problem is that this weekend sucked. My parents had a fight that I wasn't even around to witness, but knew about. It has blown over remarkably fast, as fights about my brother often do, but I'm so stinking paranoid that I expect flare-ups at each and every turn. I'm working on my "family-state-paranoia", but it's just the way I'm wired. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge to re-wire correctly, so you don't blow all the power and start fires, ya' know? Weird analogy, that.
I read my own blog through a site that turned it all "cockney" sounding. It was hilarious. I'll put up the link later. I found it through, so look for it, if you have the time. You're reading my boring blog, you ought to have time to browse
William Joseph's piano playing makes me happy. John Steven's adorable, red-headedness makes me smile (as does that fact that he has a CD coming out next year, called Red). Fuzzy cats that stand in front of the computer screen while I try to type make me laugh. Ok, so I guess I'm not in so much of a "black" mood now.
Went to a hockey game last night. Cool sport, but really, whoever made it up must have been crazy and drunk. Not crazy or drunk, but the combination of the two.
Gotta work full time this coming week. Extra money, just in time for Christmas.
I'm starting to hate holidays. They never live up to your expectations. Neither do birthdays. I love Christmas and all, but I hate "Christmas". Does that make sense? I dunno, maybe it's just that this coming Christmas has such potential to suck.
Anyway... ought to head to bed... or at least start getting ready to head to bed. Have to actually wake up before noon tomorrow, you know?

Till next I write. If you stick around until then. Sorry I complain so much.

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