Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ok, call me a hypocrite

Here I sit, listening to Josh Groban and wearing "Ugg" look a like boots. I intend to at sometime go out and buy bootleg jeans, soon. All things that at least a month ago (in certain cases) I said I wouldn't do. I bought a Josh Groban CD, I bought these boots, and I will be using my own money to buy jeans that are not wide-leg.

I changed my mind.

Which leads me to a question; when is it changing your mind, and when is it being hypocritical? Of course, hypocrisy doesn't mearly apply to little things, like fashion; or does it? If I were to suddenly say that mini-skirts were perfectly modest pecies of clothing, would that be mind-changing, or hypocrisy? I still think mini-skirts are ugly and immodest, though.

I guess the real meaning of hypocrisy is saying one thing and doing another. But still, in a way wearing these boots and getting other jeans seems like I've given up. I've given into what fashion says looks good, instead of going with my own opinion. But my opinion has changed. I like these boots. I still think boot-leg is merely one step away from those frighteningly hideous bellbottoms that plagued fashion for awhile.

Am I over thinking a few articles of clothing? Maybe. Maybe I'm just shrinking down an issue I've been dealing with, concerning myself and others, to a manageable level; one that can be discussed online for any and everyone to stumble across and ponder for themselves.

Who knows.
Till next I write.

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