Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I don't obsess, I think intensely

Dear Friend,
Depending on your view of my... how shall I phrase it?... appreciation of a certain actor named Rob Paulsen my next statement could be awesome or sad. I found a Rob Paulsen fan forum! Yay, right? Hey, look at it this way, next time I talk to you I may already have worked the Rob talk out of my system.
Anyway, yeah, I found it through a new friend who had a Rob video on YouTube. I can't tell yet if this is increasing my mania or helping to burn some of my "hobby energy." (Yes, I call it hobby energy, because it's entirely separate from my "real life energy.")
To continue on this subject, I finally saw Three Musketeers with Mickey, Donald and Goofy, where Rob was the Troubadour Turtle. I found it all adorable. I love turtles (in cartoon form, anyway) I love cartoons adding lyrics to well known classic songs, I love goofy, phony french accents, and I love Rob's singing. OK, that's all the things I loved about Rob's character, but I enjoyed the story, too. It is a fairly recent Disney cartoon, but it was still cute. You know, as much as I enjoy Tress McNeile ( I fear I forgot how to spell her name, bad me, I'm a bad fan) I don't like her as Daisy Duck.
LOST is coming back, and I'm looking forward to it. I wasn't this enthusiastic for the 4Th season, since the 3rd season had kind of left me cold, but 4 blew me away. I hope that the show continues in it's awesome-ness like it did last year. I just really hope that Daniel can get back to the island, since being stranded in the middle of the ocean in a raft can't be fun, and I want to see him with Charlotte again. I am spoiler-free, so I don't have a clue what's coming up. In fact, I haven't read any of the messages on the LOST mailing list I belong to for the past month.
Remember when I wrote about my Computer's death? Apparently, I haven't been the only person to suffer from this particular virus/trojan garbage. I also am not the first to "catch" it from Deviant Art. I need, desperately, to figure out what sort of Virus protection to use. I think that this time I have it under control, but I wish I could get a professional to look at my laptop. If you've got a way to contact me, and you know any good programs, feel free to advise. I'll listen.