Sunday, February 15, 2009

Easily distracted

Dear Friend,
Every day, as I go about my life, I think of interesting topics to blog about. However, every day as soon as I turn on the computer my brain seems to say "Ooh, shiny!" and get lost in the glitter that is the Internet. I then, after having gone through my e-mail, facebook, various blogs and discussion forums will hit the New Post button on blogger and think, "Why am I here again?" Today, as you see, is no different.

I wish I could blog while riding in the car. I become especially creative while in the backseat of my Mother's car as we drive down the highway. Everything worth going to around here seems to be at least a half-hour drive away from us on the highway. My parent's have toyed with the idea of naming our property Cartegena since we love to use the quote "Angel, you are hell and gone from Cartegena!" from Romancing the Stone. And, truly, everything is hell and gone from our home. And so, when our little family decides to go do something I end up in the backseat, wishing I had my laptop or my sketch book. However, if I had either of those I'd end up feeling queasy and carsick. For some reason I started getting nauseated by windy roads at the age of 23, it was odd. I used to be able to read in the car. Maybe that's why I get so creative in the car now, I don't have anything to distract me from my oh so brilliant thoughts.

I wish I had more consistency in my drawing. I'm attempting to do something with Eliot, my little cat cartoon. I kind of want to make him a comic strip or some such, but I can't imagine a comic involving one solitary character. I would draw "My girl" (he calls his owner My girl, apparently because he can't be bothered with learning her name or something) but I truly and utterly fail at drawing people. I can draw animals, cartoony or otherwise, till the cows come home, but my people frighten small children. I am practicing, but it seems with little progress. I suppose I could draw other cats for him to interact with, but from my life experience cat's don't tend to get on well together. In any case, he's the first character I've drawn in years that seemed to come ready with a personality as soon as I drew him.

Weird, isn't it, that I could draw something myself, look at it and feel like I've just met an actual personality. Maybe I'm nuts. The strangest part of it was the fact that I could figure out what his voice sounded like, despite the fact that in my head most comic and book characters don't have voices, I just read them in my own voice. One of these days I'll work up the motivation to go down to the office and scan a few pictures of Eliot so that people know what the heck I'm babbling on about in my blog.

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