Sunday, February 01, 2009

"Oh no, she has another obsession!"

Dear Friend,
I'm using the moments between Super Bowl commercials (you know, when actual football is happening) to post here in my blog. I've something I wish to share with you, whether you end up looking at it or not. If you do want to look at it, feel free to use the links in this entry.
So, I've started looking at DeviantArt again. There are some people that I like to check for new art on a somewhat regular basis. I've noticed a couple of these people had a certain artist's series in their listed favorites. I decided to check it out and that's how I became a fan of Lackadaisy. I mean, come on, Cats in Prohibition era Missouri running a Speakeasy? How was I not all over that from the beginning. I'm kidding, of course. The only thing in that last sentence that really got me to give this a second look was cats. I'm seriously mad about cats.
I decided to give it a go from the beginning. And the art kept me going until we got past plot development into character development. I am nothing if not "character driven."
Anyway, the first thing that grabbed me was Rocky. In typical fashion, I adore the enthusiastic wimp musician with the smart mouth and poetic phrases. When I started picking up on an unrequited love, I was sold. Oh, and he may be a bit of a pyromaniac? Or not, but he does to like his "Sweet Justice." Yeah, just about everyone in this strip has some mental and moral issues.
On the mental and moral issues note, I need to bring up Freckle. Don't let the baby faced adorable looks fool you, that kid is messed up. He derives far too much joy from discharging a weapon. That could be why he got kicked out of the Police academy. I love him, too. These two cousins are pretty much the main characters in this comic.
I love the character designs that the artist is using here. Her work is amazing to me. I enjoy her sense of humor, too. I am beginning to notice a trend in my entertainment; I love serious subject matter handled in a frivolous manner. For example, this (Organized crime and cats), Psych (Murder and humor), Chuck (spies and more humor), Pushing Daisies (death and quirkiness) and a few others. Anyway, I keep trying to decide who my favorite character is, but they're all so great. Just about all of them make me want to scratch them behind their ears, but with a lot of them you know if you tried you'd get shot or strangled (especially with Viktor and Mordecai, but they are so cute!).

So, check out this comic. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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