Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two awesome things

Dear friend,
I actually left the house intending to purchase something and ended up coming home with something. I can't remember the last time that happened. It probably was because this time the "something" was specific. It was Freakazoid season 2!
My brother bought me Freakazoid season 1 for my birthday, and the second season came out yesterday. This is the season with my best remembered episodes, such as the one with Norm Abrams, Dexter's date with Steff (and the amazing and mind blowing dance number with the Lobe), and a few others I won't describe just now. It's hilarious in the most ridiculous way, and so much fun.
I also bought Rhythm Heaven today. I had heard nothing but good things about this game. I heard it compared favorably to Elite Beat Agents, which I love, so I decided to give it a go. I love it! I, despite having lack-luster rhythm, love rhythm games. This game is challenging and fun. If you come and visit me, ask to play it, I think you'll like it, ok? Ok, cool.

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