Saturday, October 09, 2004

I can't read that stuff

I hate "net speak" or whatever they call that stuff that people type that isn't realy words. I can take it in small doses, like "cuz" or LOL, but when it's the whole message I can't stand it. I personally don't see why they can't put out the miniscule effort of typing out real words. It seems to me that it takes more effort to come up with that stuff. I don't get it.

I suppose I'm a bit of a grammar freak. Not much of one, since I'm quite sure that I make some mistakes pretty often. Mistakes that would make a real grammar nut scream. I do, however, correct people on TV when they use "myself" in all the wrong places. That and when they use "I" when they should say "Me". I think last year at college, one of the speakers made such a mistake and I wrote in code all over my note page how he was wrong. I'm so glad my friend taught me that code, I'll probably use it for the rest of my life. It might come in handy, my mom has been using a code on her Christmas lists for as long as I can remember. That way we don't know what she's bought for us. I may do the same when I have kids.

Speaking of kids, my friends joke that my children will have larger vocabularies than all their friends. I admit, I do use larger than necessary words at times. I've actually stopped a little since I met them. Since I was a hopeless, friendless geek before I met them, I spent my time reading, and when you do that you pick up words that are slightly cumbersome for everyday use. But I do intend on having children who speak well. I think I'm a snob.

Found out a friend of mine likes Gamecube. I've got to get him to play some games with some other friends of mine. We three need another opponent at Smash Bros. and I think he'll fill in nicely. If only all our schedules work out.

But it won't happen today. Today is my recharge day. I've been going non-stop for a month. I'm not doing a dang thing today. All I'm doing this weekend is church tomorrow morning. I think I'm obsessed with our church. I hate missing sundays. I used to hate church. Really hate it. But then I went to Bible college (that was a shock for me, I'm not the "Bible College Type") and found the church we go to now. I really like it.

Wow, did I ever get off topic. From complaining about net speak to saying how much I love my church. Weird me...

Till next I write!

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