Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Batman sounds like Kevin Conroy
I think I may have written to you about Batman before. Perhaps around the time that a certain highly anticipated film came out this past summer, perhaps around the time that a certain animated show came out on a children's television block. All I know is, I talk about Batman from time to time.
The subject of this particular "super hero" came to my mind this time because my father turned on the TV and Batman was on. You may be familiar with this particular Batman, played by Micheal Keaton, against Nicholson's Joker. I was already familiar with this little film because my parents had it on VHS and one of those summer nights that my brother was home from college we watched it together.
I cannot say that if this had been my first exposure to this character I would have ever sought any more exposure to him. I can't quite put my finger on why I dislike this movie, casting or design or plot, but I know that I don't like it. At all.
Thankfully, "my Batman" came in the form of a Fox animated series, at just about the silver age of Warner Bros. animation. Back in 1992 I started watching Batman: The Animated Series. Now, if you do your math, that was when I was 9 years old. I'm not sure if many 9 year old girls were watching superhero cartoons back then, but I had an older brother and had been "sharing" his TV shows most of my life. (If you hear him tell it, though, we watched nothing but Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony.)
It certainly wasn't my first encounter with action/crime fighting cartoons, I had been obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles before this.
Anyway, it was a new cartoon, and being young me, I made sure to watch it. Little did I know that I would wind up a bat-fan for life. Even when the show switched from Fox to Kids WB and became the Batman/ Superman Adventures, and I had to tape it while my family was at church, I still watched. I even remember my shock at the episode "Over the Edge" when I thought everyone now knew that Bruce Wayne was Batman.
I even "followed" Bruce Wayne to Batman Beyond, which brought us Terry McGinnis in the batsuit. Of course, though old and "decrepit" Bruce was still my batman.
In between shows, of course there were the movies, with Val Kilmer and George Clooney, but these, in my opinion, all sucked. Frankly, for the longest the only batman I would say was worth anything was one that was drawn.
However, I had never, at a single point in my life read a Batman comic. Not a one. I'm not into comics.
Then came along Justice League on Cartoon Network. I however, never got into that, too many of those other people in tights running around (or flying as the case may be).
Fox, then, came up with The Batman, which is supposed to take place at the beginning of Bruce's career as Batman. I had several problems with this series, as you can see if you go way, way back in my blog. I disliked character designs and voices. I've heard that it improved greatly, but I still haven't given it a chance. I mean, come on, that design for the Joker is terrible, and the voice of Batman in the show will forever be the liar of two episodes of Due South to me, not Batman.
How pleased I was when Batman Begins came out. Finally, a live action adaptation that didn't make me roll my eyes until they were in the back of my head.
Then the sequel came along and I was rather disappointed, since it was so depressing and evil I couldn't in anyway enjoy it.
Now, Cartoon Network is starting the process again by bringing us Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I like it. I enjoy the fact that this show doesn't take it self as seriously as the recent films. Because, though tragic in storyline, and dark by design, Batman, if you step back and look, is very ridiculous. This show has a sense of humor, and lots of guest starring heroes. I think, even though the voice isn't Kevin Conroy, I will be watching this one.
Wow, that was long. Did you even finish it? Congrats if you did.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Well, that was painful
So, on Nov. 30th something evil entered my laptop and rendered it essentially useless. I didn't get a chance to get it up and running again until today. I lost most of what I had on here, but at least was able to save my pictures. I still needed to load all the programs again, and as yet have no itunes on here.
Being without a time-waster for 4 days was pretty hard on me, but I think due mostly to the fact that it wasn't my fault. Something invaded my computer. I felt attacked and angry. I was really upset.
I'm deeply upset that the site I was on when it happened was one of my favorite to go to. I'd been going to DeviantArt for over a month, and now I'm afraid to go back. I have no idea why this happened, but if that site's to blame I never want it to have another chance. But, oh how I'll miss the art, especially certain artists.
Oh well, life goes on. And it's like I got a new laptop; it's not like some time away from the internet hurt me, anyway.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Insert witty title here

Dear Friend,
I have been tossing around the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, google it for fun) this year. However, I don't know that I can come up with an idea that justifies an entire novel, or dredge up that much dedication or an attention span that will last an entire month, or keep such an activity from pulling yet more time from activities I should be doing instead, i.e. laundry, cooking, dishes, vacuuming; you know the sort of things that keep a house livable for all involved. I've already got so many things that I want to do, creativity and artsy sort of things, that I don't know that attempting to write a novel in 30 short days is wise. I've got (at the moment I'm typing this up) 4 more minutes until the month begins. I suppose there's always next year, but we don't know that for sure do we? Suppose they do away with the concept in '09! Suppose Christ returns before then! Suppose, well, suppose anything you like. Is this the way I'll carpe the diem this year?
Probably not.
I've become somewhat hooked on Deviant Art. It's a great site for those inclined to wish they were frighteningly talented artists (which I wish I was) or those inclined to learn how to draw or paint by looking at what other people who do draw or paint do. (which is something I myself do, Wow!) Honestly, the best sort of "lessons" I ever got in drawing was by sitting next to and watching a very talented friend of mine during classes in college. You know, when I should have been listening to lessons. I think that's part of what I love about drawing though, you can draw while listening to someone talk. Kind of like Tetris, I love tetris because I can listen to music while I play and not feel like either the game or the music is slighted.
But anyway, DevArt. I don't have a scanner of my own, so I don't have an account there yet, but maybe someday. Seeing some "fan art" has gotten me to look at a few things differently, such as the Animaniacs and the Mad Hatter. (Spell check is loving me and my non-words tonight, I tell ya) Most of the people I follow closely are or were students in art school. I just don't want to go to art school, I like finding my own ways of drawing. Besides, unlike the Warner brothers, and sister, I don't like drawing naked people.
As you can probably tell by my randomness, (oh, my goodness, apparently, according to spellcheck, randomness is a real word, whereas spellcheck is not) and run-ons it's late, and I'm slightly giddy. If I decide to write a novel, I can start now.
Dear friend, sleep, like me, is your friend. I will now attempt to become better acquainted with it.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Random song lyrics, for a reason

Dear Friend,
Here's a few lyrics that ring true to me lately. Enjoy.
I'm finally catching onto it
Yeah the past is just a conduit
And the light there at the end is where I'll be.
- Up and Up, Relient K (It's a journey)
Isn't it nice to know
That the lining is silver
Isn't it nice to know
That we're golden.
- The Lining is Silver, Relient K (Eternal optimist, that's what I am)
I know who I am
I am Yours
And Jesus you are mine!
- I Know Who I Am, Israel and New Breed (Need I say more?)
Listen to the music of the moment
Dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God intended right to be loved
- I'm Yours, Jason Mraz (sometimes Mr.AZ gets it right)
As you push it up through the soil I'll shake your filthy hand
You may be dead to me but that don't mean we can't be friends
- Fallen Man, Relient K (slightly macabre, but I get it)
Life is Good
Eternal life is better
- Life is Good, Stellar Kart (simple, and to the point)
I'm in repair
I'm not together
But I'm getting there
- In Repair, John Mayer (love that dude's lyrics)
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good.
- Heart of Life, John Mayer (there's that optimist streak again)
I want to start it over
I want to start again
I want a new beginning
One without and end.
- Something Beautiful, Newsboys (One of my favorite songs)
That's enough for tonight. *Mmwah!* Goodnight everybody! (and that is the influence of too much Animaniacs, gotta love Yakko)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sum of the day

Dear friend,
Just going to list a few of the days happenings. Perhaps I shall add a few comments or opinions, perhaps not. Let's see, shall we.
Woke up, fell asleep, woke up. Lather rinse repeat until about 8.
Got ready to go to the state fair.
Walked around fair with parents.
Ate fair food, including fried oreos, which were surprisingly good yet had a strange feeling of settling in a lump in my stomach. Probably won't have them again.
Walked around fair some more. Saw a team of Clydesdale and a wagon, pretty cool.
Avoided the urge to go off on some "Carney" who was whistling to get peoples' attention since it made me think we were all being reduced to the level of common canines. Yeah, I took that too seriously, but I did resist the urge.
Came home.
Cleaned my room.
Watched Chuck. Yay, still love it. Like Casey a little more. Am slightly sad that the Weinerlicious is gone.
Tried to watch Heroes, but left about 45 minutes in. Why is Hiro such a blithering idiot? I used to like him, he was just about the only thing keeping me watching, now I'm done. Hiro was the last straw.
Watched Life. I was really into this episode, then at the last commercial break all sound goes away. All of it, but then the background noises come back, but no dialogue. If Dad didn't know how to get closed-captioning, I'd have been miffed. More than miffed, actually, since I am currently miffed.
Came upstairs, went to Facebook to be generally disappointed, yet again. I apparently can't connect with people. Where do I sign up to be a hermit? Can hermits own cats? Can I be a cat lady/ hermit? That would be cool with me. Or not.
Do I sound bitter? I shouldn't, it wasn't a bad day. Now I'm watching Due South and summing up the day here, in a vaguely passive aggressive way.
I'd better stop.
God bless and keep you.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I threw my hands victoriously in the air at this result!
Your result for The Classic Dames Test...
Rosalind Russell
You scored 21% grit, 52% wit, 24% flair, and 10% class!
Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
High fructose corn syrup adverts! Really?

Dear friend,
Strangest of things, I have nothing in particular to write about. I'm merely trying to stay awake until a show comes on, this late Friday night.
I finished watching the DVDs of the television show "Life" earlier tonight. I missed the entire first season because I was trying to sleep when it came on. I still find it strange that the prime time segment of television is one hour later on the eastern half of the country than it is in the western half. Who really stays up to watch the 11 o'clock news? Anyway, I enjoyed Life, but I don't think I could get engrossed in it like my other shows. I was certainly captivated by the story, but I don't think it's the sort of show I could watch over and over again.
OK, I just had the weirdest thought. It's natural to type as I think. I remember in school, when I had to learn how to type I thought I'd never be able to do it. What really made it natural for me was to go into chat rooms, usually talking about cartoons, and being the verbose and loquacious nerd that I am I had to learn how to type quickly to keep up with the other not so wordy participants. Now I can, and actually am doing so now, watch television and follow the dialogue and plot while I write out my thoughts. Though my tiyping still isn't perfect, it's an extreme difference from what was.
As you can tell, change intrigues me. Yet I can't take it calmly when it happens too quickly. Slow change, so subtle that you don't notice it, is pretty awesome to me.
I should probably stop writing, before I stop making any sense whatsoever.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
If you like Batman, and don't hate animation, I've got a film for ya!

Dear Friend,
I just finished watching, for the second time in a day, "Batman: Gotham Knight" which is a set of short, animated films set between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Now, I didn't like The Dark Knight, but that has proven to be "above" my like or dislike. I felt it was too dark, and should have been rated R. (I consider TDK to be my first R rated movie, now, so there you go)
Gotham Knight, now is also rated PG-13, and I felt it came by it honestly (even if there is one shot of a guy being shot clean through the head, a very clear shot at that) and it was bloody. Not a lot of cussing, though I did get to hear Rob Paulsen say "Son of a *****"; quite a strange experience. (I almost felt like Mr. Opportunity was cussing at me. Ok, just kidding) But, quite seriously, though animated, this isn't meant for the kiddoes, ok?
Anyway, beyond content issues, There are 6 different shorts, written and directed by different people, and animated by different Japanese studios. It's anime inspired, so don't expect lip-sync. Do, however, expect interesting visuals, which change each story. Only the voice actors remain the same through the entire film. The shorts are loosely connected, but each could stand alone if it needed to.
The First, "Have I Got a Story for You" is much like the BTAS episode "Legends of the Dark Knight" and frankly I think the TV show one was better. I admit I was put off my the animation style. While the backgrounds were stunning, the people were grotesque and ugly. It did serve the story well, with the differing interpretations of three kids descriptions of their encounters with Batman earlier that day. It was a solid start.
Next, "Crossfire" was animated in a dark, shadowed, comic-book style. It showed two cops in the Major Crimes Unit, discussing Batman as they take a prisoner over the "Narrows" and then end up in a gang crossfire. The story was good. It was maybe my third favorite. Lots of gunfire, as well.
Then "Field Test", which despite a rather confusing story that caused me to wonder what was going on exactly, wound up being one of my favorite shorts on the disc. It was very "anime" style, and I liked the design of the batsuit. They even managed to make Bruce Wayne a decided "pretty boy" that you'd never expect to be Batman. (see icon stamp on this entry)
"In Darkness Dwells" was OK, to me. The sewer setting lent itself to a gritty, unattractive drawing style. There was a brief fight with Killer Croc, so brief you wonder if it was needed. It also had Scarecrow, yet it didn't seem to be like the same character from the live-action films. It was one of the more disappointing shorts in my opinion.
"Working Through the Pain" was my second favorite story here. I again like the style of drawing, and the backgrounds were beautiful. It was slightly bloody for my taste, and I had to look away a few times. My dad was disappointed by the end of the short, but I liked it's emotional nature. I do admit, it doesn't feel like much of a climax, though.
"Deadshot" ranked high in my opinion, too. It's style was interesting, and though it was violent I couldn't look away. The shot of the Ferris Wheel was gorgeous. I found the plot obvious, but maybe not everyone would.
I enjoyed this DVD, and would recommend it to Batman and animation fans alike. I liked hearing Kevin Conroy as Batman again. Watch it if you can.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Perception Personality Test - Really interesting
Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...
NFPS - The Guru
Nature, Foreground, Big Picture, and Shape
You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on what's in front of you (the foreground) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to deal directly with whatever comes your way without dealing with speculating possibilities or outcomes you can't control. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.
The Perception Personality Types:
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Was I really like that?

Dear friend,
My brother is here for the week and decided that we should transfer home videos onto DVD while we can still use the VHS. It's a good idea, which of course means that we have ended up watching the videos as they transfer. And I can't believe that the little 6 year old that I just saw doing the most basic of gymnastics moves, and skipping back into place after each one, grew up to be me! I honestly don't remember being that enthusiastic about anything, let alone in public where every one's parents were nearby.
I do happen to remember being a "look at me, look at me!" sort of girl when a camera was involved.
It's also fun to see how many different ways my Mom did my hair when I was younger.
It's fun to see my brother, especially in 80's and 90's clothes. I'm certain that a certain pair of sneakers my brother was wearing at my 6Th birthday party are being sold again at Journeys.
It's odd to see your life in clips. I'm now quite sure I won't audition for any reality TV shows. Like I was considering it to begin with. (Haven't found a clip of me developing my sarcasm, but maybe it's there.)
Thursday, August 07, 2008
There is absoluetly no reason for me to be blogging right now

Dear friend,
Honestly, blogging without reason could get me into "trouble". I have the urge to communicate without any well-thought-out ideas. I've had nebulous clouds of thoughts running through my mind for so long, and I just have a strong desire to write something positive. I feel so surrounded by negative voices and people that if I don't think of something to make me smile I'll surrender to the pessimism.
Even if we do live in such a bad world, I have a good God, an awesome God, who can handle anything I throw at him; who loves me more than I can fathom; who cares for me.
That does make me feel better.
I've been remiss in not recommending a beautiful, touching, marvelous little independent film called Bella. I watched it quite awhile ago, before the summer film season. I heard of this little movie through a few different Christian contacts, one a personal acquaintance and another a ministry. I have to admit, I don't jump onto a film because some religious people say it's faith-affirming, or something like that. Truthfully, I tend to avoid films that Christian organizations rave about. Bella is totally different. I'm astonished that so few people have been talking about it, actually. It's such a good film that I'm afraid to praise it too much and cause excessive expectations from you, my friend. I went into the film without any expectations. I hardly knew the plot. I now think everyone should see this movie. I am refusing to tell you the plot because I don't want someone to think "Oh, that doesn't sound like my kind of movie." and blow it off. It is a good movie. That's all I can say, though I've taken up a paragraph to say it.
For a complete change of tone and topic: I miss having a crush on someone. It's a strange thing to miss, I admit. I don't miss having a job, I don't miss having friends, I don't miss quite a few things. I just miss having a guy that I'm attracted to. If you've been reading long enough, you remember that I was "dead gone" on a guy I referred to as "The Crush". It's been long enough that I don't think of him that often, even when all the little things that used to make me think of him just remind me of how I used to think of him. The thing about it is, I don't know anyone that I would even think of falling for. I haven't even seen anyone I thought was cute since I moved to VA over a year ago. It's strange. It's also why I figure when I find someone I'll know it's God's doing.
I'm weird... and I don't mind that.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Dark Knight is a good movie

Dear friend,
I suppose I've come to the end of my movie season. I've seen (almost) every movie I planned on seeing. I was going to blog a review, just as I did with the last few films I saw in theatres, but on my way home, I thought maybe I should give it a twist. That twist, ladies and gentlemen, is a comparison. Fair, isn't it? It is a sequel after all, why shouldn't it be compared to it's predecessor? Also, since this is my blog, I'm going to be very biased. I'll tell you right now, The Dark Knight is a good, superhero, action sort of movie, if you like that sort of thing. I'm beginning to think I don't like that sort of thing.
OK, I didn't like TDK as much as Batman Begins, to be referred to as BB from now on in this post. I wondered why that was, especially since everyone I've heard from is loving TDK and immediately declaring Heath Ledger to be deserving of an Oscar. I'm not saying I disagree with that entirely (go ahead, give him the Oscar, but I will never be convinced that he isn't awarded one because he died) I'm just saying that I didn't enjoy it very much. I know exactly why I didn't enjoy it that much, too! It's a fabulously shallow reason. There was too much ugly and not enough pretty.
Before I move on, a confession, even before this film I found the Joker completely, utterly and wonderfully creepy. I still shudder thinking of (of all things) the Laughing Fish episode of Batman: The animated Series. (I was young, it left a lasting, scarring impression, ok!) Most other Batman villians are a trifle silly, but a crazy dude who looks like the world's freakiest clown and randomly kills people is so frightening. Even the watered down Joker in the cartoons can be scary. So, imagine dismay at Heath Ledger's portrayal. I'm praying against nightmares tonight. Yet, it was good. That man committed to the role.
My mom says the movie was too dark. I agree. I'm a beauty seeker. I try to find it everywhere, and there wasn't much to see in this dark, violent, scary film. I cringed, often. Not helping matters that whenever things got suspenseful the soundtrack featured a long tone, slowly, oh so slowly rising in pitch until you felt like your head was going to explode.
I liked BB better, and how could I not, look at the cast: Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Cilian Murphy; not a hard group to look at. This film gives me Heath Ledger in frightening make-up and scars and then what happens to Harvey Dent (no surprise if you know about that character) and I just don't have anything "comforting" to look at.
I'm sorry, it was a good movie but I'll never watch it again. I'll stick to BB for the rest of my live-action Batman needs. I hope I was coherent.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I am allowed to change my mind, no?

Dear friend,
I know that I am recorded in this blog as being sick of the song "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. I changed my mind. I've done this before, hated a song at first listen, and then (usually after everyone else is sick of it) I end up liking it. I think all I needed to like this song was a story to go with it. The music video seemed void of a story, and I didn't really get the story to the dance choreographed to it on So You Think You Can Dance, but this fan video for Psych's Lassiter and Juliet made a sweet story to me.
I'm so happy that Psych is returning this Friday. I decided to check out a few of the site's I frequent during the season and came across this gem. Enjoy it.
To be completely off-topic, the "Mr. Opportunity" ads for Honda are back and I am just pleased as punch to randomly hear Rob Paulsen again! I think he'll always be one of my favorite voice actors, if only for Yakko alone. Back to your lives!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Oboes aren't loud, they're expressive

Dear friend,
I saw two movies today, neither of them high on my "Oh, let's go see that!" list. I went to the theatre with my whole family to see Hancock. It was an OK movie. I would give it 2.5 stars out of 5. The biggest problem for me was that it was like the studio had the beginning of one superhero movie and then end of another and decided to stick them together and call it a day. I liked the beginning. I didn't care for the end.
The other movie I watched was Cloverfield. I had read so many reviews saying it was good that I was just curious enough to see it. J.J. Abrams association with it, and the previews similarity to the first scene we hear the Monster on LOST didn't hurt either. They were right, it is a good movie, but it's hard to enjoy. I don't like being on the edge of my seat like that. Suspense isn't high on my list of favorite things. I couldn't quite tear my eyes away, though, excepting the really bloody parts, of course.
To counteract the freaky-ness that was Cloverfield, I'm watching the Fairy Tale Theatre DVD of The Three Little Pigs. That explains the title of this post. Buck Wolf is the greatest role Jeff Goldblum ever had. Well, in my opinion it is. I wonder what his opinion of that statement would be. "If you're lying to me I'll come back and chew on your face."
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I want to people to be afraid of how much they love me

Dear friend,
Do you remember that I mentioned I was becoming obsessed with the Office? I'm watching it right now, and wondering if maybe I'm a little too involved. I find certain episodes extraordinarily difficult to watch. The Christmas Party episode is one such episode. I find myself cringing and feeling terrible for Jim and Phyllis. It just feels so uncomfortable so many times while I watch this show that you'd think I was standing in the room with these people. That is probably the intention, but gah! it makes it hard to keep watching sometimes. Another episode I struggle through is Health Care. At the end of the episode, where everyone stops Michael outside his door, and he stalls trying so horribly to think of a "surprise" that will get him out of this mess just makes me want to leave the room. Pam's and Jim's facial expressions just do me in. It's probably not a good idea to watch this show while unemployed because it just reminds you that working sucks.
However, I still laugh more than I cringe most of the time. I adore Jim and Pam (yeah, I've never mentioned that before), and can't help wondering what the hell Michael will do next. I also just can't wait to see what Dwight is going to say or do, especially when Jim or Michael are involved.
I love this show.
Monday, July 07, 2008
"Beautiful word clouds"
If you read any other blogs then chances are you've seen this little trick before. If you haven't, then I'm glad to be able to share Wordle with you! I'd seen this on a couple of blogs before I tried it today. I was amused by my "big" words, "Think" "Pretty" "Also" "Beautiful" and "Just". Simply out of curiosity I ran my brother's blog and felt a little guilty that one of my big words wasn't God when one of his was.
Anyway, here's mine!
title="Wordle: Friend's letter">
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July! Did it rain for you too?

Dear friend,
How was your holiday? Mine was low-key. I didn't go anywhere, didn't do anything and didn't mind it at all. It rained, great, grand thunderstorm which sent a few toads and turtles trekking across our yard. Honestly, I didn't miss not seeing fireworks. I can't really remember the last time I went to see fireworks. The last house we lived in all I had to do was stand on the front porch and I could see a few different shows from the city. Yes, the display was tiny, and silent, but I didn't mind that.
I'm in the middle of a marathon of The Office. I got the first disc of the 2nd season set from Netflix yesterday. I watched all of it last night. All of it; I mean that, episodes, commentary, deleted scenes; EVERYTHING! I didn't intend to. I wanted to make it last a few days. The show is so funny, the cast is great and it's hard to stop watching once you start. I just love Jim and Pam. And if you recall I'm oddly fascinated by Steve Carell. Michael Scott is cringeworthy, yet endearing. But mostly cringeworthy.
Right now I'm watching my season 1 DVD, which due to my favorite Barnes and Noble "Buy two get one free" sale I didn't pay a penny for, mainly because it's the only season that Steve does commentary for. Go back and make sure you can understand that sentence, it's like two in one, and I want to be sure I'm coherent.
I am also slowly going through a re-watch of LOST. I didn't remember season one being so stunningly beautiful. I love the cinematography and just filming on Hawaii has got to make it easy to make this show pretty. So, I guess all I like about LOST is the cinematography, the writing, the cast and the music. Yeah, not much really. OK, yes, that was a tad sarcastic.
Yeah, so to sum up, I've had a relaxed holiday and I'm obsessed with the office, plus LOST is awesome. Guess that covers it.
Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Friend,
So, you just knew I'd be blogging today, right? If anything, you thought I'd have blogged earlier, right? Yeah, I know. So, let's get down to it: Wall-E was great. That little robot was so adorable! This movie made me cry, dude!
I'll now attempt to look objectively at this film. There was a definite environmental and "green" feel to this movie, what with the world's population evacuating a trash-filled earth and such. There was also quite the message about getting up off your fat a- I mean butt- and observing the beauty of the natural world around you. I, as a bit of a tree-hugger (according to some) had no problem with that, but even if you think that environmental propaganda needs to go the way of the Dodo bird (how's that for irony) you have to admit that these messages should be heeded to some extent. I appreciate that this film didn't verbally attack you with repeated messages like "Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!!! or die!" It was also rather amused at the exaggeration that they used. While you know things would never get that extreme, you realize that, well, maybe in the worst-case scenario, they could.
What was truly great about the movie, though, was the character of Wall-E, and even Eve. You can actually believe that these robots, inanimate objects though they are, have personalities. Wall-E is one of the sweetest little characters I've seen in a Pixar film. He can barely say anything, not much more than his own name and Eve's (which he pronounces as "Eev-ah") and the occasional Ta-da! There isn't a lot of dialogue in the film, really, but it's good storytelling since you don't miss it much. I didn't miss it at all, to tell the truth.
I was pleasantly surprised by the use of live-action actors on screen, but it was done well. I loved the space scenes, as well.
I have no idea if that review was coherent. To sum up, I enjoyed the movie. I will be buying it when the DVD comes out, and expect Wall-E icons to accompany my posts in the future. As I blog I'm looking for icons in another window. Yes, I'm that talented.
I only wish I could have found the soundtrack in a store. I loved the use of music, especially La Vie En Rose with Louis Armstrong. And the two songs from Hello Dolly. Yeah, it was adorable. It was Wall-E's favorite movie, such a sweet little robot.
I re watched Napolean Dynamite tonight, as well. My brother had never seen it. I watched it right after it came out on DVD and found it rather stupid. I watched it again about a year later and smiled a bit. I watched it tonight, and cracked up. I think I just needed to realize that I was in this movie's world, where random rubbish occurs and you're just supposed to laugh at it. It worked tonight.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
You know who was pretty? Grace Kelly

Dear friend,
I've just endured some ribbing from my dearly loved brother about the fact that I don't really notice if girls are cute or not. I really don't. Unless someone is strikingly beautiful, I don't notice it. There is also the factor that I have a tendency to like odd looking faces, male or female, so I'm hesitant to call someone pretty. Pretty people aren't always the most interesting people to look at, in my weird opinion.
However, when I think of pretty or downright beautiful women, I think of Grace Kelly. Princess Grace to me was the embodiment of Hollywood beauty and glamour. She was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
I also am a fan of Audrey Hepburn. I don't actually tend to think she was that beautiful, but she had very appealing looks. And the woman could wear clothes and make them look amazing. One of my favorite Hepburn moments is the Ascot scene in My Fair Lady. There's also an amazingly beautiful dress she wears in Sabrina.
Clothes tend to be, for some odd reason, a major factor in how attractive I consider women. Apparently if you can make custom clothes for some woman, I'll think she looks great. OK, possibly not to that extreme. Although, I definitely like looking at Susan from Chronicles of Narnia though I don't consider Anna Popplewell to be very attractive. So, maybe it is to that extreme.
The last woman I stopped and thought looked really pretty was Anne Hathaway in Get Smart. I also thought that Aishwarya Rai of Bride and Prejudice was extremely pretty. Actually, Bride and Prejudice had a lot of pretty cast members. Leona Lewis is pretty, even if I am sick of Bleeding Love. Halle Berry is pretty.
There are a lot of pretty women, I just don't tend to notice them. I think it may relate also to the fact that I don't tend to think people are that attractive at first sight. I relate behavior and demeanor very closely to beauty. To me, if you act ugly, you are ugly; therefore, I will wait to see who you are before I decide how you look.
Monday, June 23, 2008
New Layout, so why not post?

Dear Friend,
I felt for a richer color scheme, and to get rid of any sort of media related images in my intro and title. So, what do you think? I love the rose picture, but am a bit concerned that it is, well, huge. We'll see how I take to it.
I also wanted to stop using the Robin Hood banners because, although the artist who made them made them really well, the show sucks. I haven't truly watched it for the past month. I've had the TV on, and looked up when something "interesting" happened (usually when Much or Gisborne were on screen) but even that has been getting to be too stupid. I have been told that Much tells Robin off in the finale, so I may keep trying, just to see if my favorite character finally gets a backbone.
I'm looking forward to seeing Wall-E this Friday. I'm hoping to see it before the "kiddy" crowd sees it, because though I love animated movies and kids, I'm none too fond of them put together. I also want to see Wanted with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy. Now, there is a contrast. Strange thing is, I've not seen an R rated movie yet, and since the first PG-13 movie I saw sucked, I've held out on watching one until I had picked a great movie. I've decided that the Godfather will be the first R movie I watch. I just need to find the time to watch it. The problem really is, I'm a wimp. No, really, I watch the AFI countdowns and when they show clips of the Godfather they always show the same clip of people being shot in the head, and this one clip that obviously is deemed suitable to air on prime time TV sends me into shock! How I'll get through that entire film I don't know. Then, if I find that I can't make it through the Godfather, I doubt I'll make it through Wanted, rated R for "strong, bloody violence" throughout. Yeesh.
I'm actually slightly apprehensive about the next Batman film. I'm such a wimp.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Would you believe Chuck Norris with a BB gun?

Dear Friend,
I have been seeing more movies this summer than is my usual wont. (I love that word, "wont" it's fun) I've just seen my third, and boy was it fun. Get Smart was really funny. It's a great waste of time, if you've got time to waste. I think it helps to be familiar with the old show, but not too fanatical about the old show. It also helps if you have a nearly unhealthy fascination with Steve Carell. *glances at icon "stamp"* What? I'm just saying... and I've been waiting to use that icon... anyway. Anne Hathaway was good in this, too. I like Hathaway, despite certain things I've heard about her. In cases such as these my policy of just plain not caring about actors personalities or lives works pretty well. If they entertain my on screen I don't care about who they really are.
OK, I am so rambling now. The movie was good, but to be honest I'm not sure it would stand up to a second viewing. In general I would recommend it to a friend, if I knew they liked stupid, yet not too stupid, comedy.
Ovation TV (arty channel, just my speed) has been having a week devoted to animation. Happy me, I've enjoyed nearly all the documentaries on the studios and animators and what-not. Ub Iwerks was a fascinating man, and the majority of people don't realize that he came up with Mickey Mouse, which saddens me. He drew the character and pretty much single-handedly animated his first cartoon. He was an amazing inventor, too. If you have any interest in animation, look that man up. He'll astound you.
I just realized a few minutes ago that my dear brother has a link to my blog on his blog. Isn't he just cool? I love that his entries have more depth than mine. I still have issues with letting myself get too serious in "public" and therefore my writings tend to be from the shallow end of the pool. My brother, however, all kinds of deep, and I love him for it.
The rest of my (planned) summer movies will include Wall-E, Wanted, the new Batman and possibly a few more. I'm not sure just now.
I'm considering a blog of reviews of my DVD collection. That would be quite a project considering the size of my media shelf. It would be more organized and eloquent than the "reviews" I write here. We'll see what develops.
Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear friend,
I'd forgotten how very dull and low life is in the "in-between times". Those times when you don't have anything pressing to do can be as depressing as they are freeing. I don't know what to do with myself, despite an abundance of required tasks around me. I know this too will pass, but I'm living in the right now, dang it!
I had a sort of realization last night. I want to be in a "Roger and Anita Radcliffe" situation. One of my favorite movies is Disney's 101 Dalmatians. (If you have even a slight interest in animation that film is amazing. The Xerox machine changed animation forever! And the design is captivatingly attractive) The dog's owners were recently married and wonderful together. The moment that sticks into my mind is the scene in which Roger is composing the tune that would ultimately be "Cruella DeVille" and make him a load of money. At this moment in the film, though, he's just upstairs making music. As he comes downstairs the couple has cute banter about the song until the villain arrives at the door. Roger makes fun of the approaching visitor with his new song, as he makes his exit. After Cruella leaves he reemerges from his "studio" still teasing in song. The couple dances and as his song ends the two share a "married moment." You just know that these two love each other, even though they tease and joke, they each take such games as good-naturedly as it is meant. Somehow that animated, fictional couple rings true to my heart.
Another animated couple dear to my heart is "Jim Dear and Darling" from Lady and the Tramp, but I don't think I'll go into detail for that tonight.
In more real, right now news, I've got a Wii Fit. I'm rather dedicated to this little workout program. It has me doing (light) exercise every day for the past week. That's no small accomplishment for lazy little me. I rather like the hula hoop game.
Now that that's all out of my mind...
Goodnight, friend!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Cliffs are for climbing. That's why God gave us grappling hooks

Dear Friend,
Tomorrow, if I play my cards right, could be my last day of work at the school. I've been thinking over what I'd like to do in the short amount of time that I plan on being between jobs. I have more hopes than time (I assume, since I don't actually know when my "break" will be over) but I like listing things. Here are a few things I'd like to accomplish this summer.
1. Pick up piano again
2. Learn to play guitar
3. Finish unpacking those boxes of stuff that belongs in my room.
4. Paint the ugly trim in my room
5. Learn to make amigurumi dolls
6. Make a felt "Much" doll, maybe
7. Make custom pillows for the daybed
8. Make a pineapple upside down cake
9. Acquire a few t-shirts and then make them into new, cool things
10. Try painting with watercolors
11. Make some clothes
12. Make it out to the new C28 store
13. Eat at the new Noodles n' Company restaurant near here
14. Lose a few inches around my tummy (can't think in lbs. since I don't know what I weigh
15. Cut a fringe (or bangs for people here in the US)
16. Read Frankenstein
17. Read Persuasion
18. Beat Mario Kart Wii
19. Acquire every character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
20. Illustrate that book by my Dad's co-worker
21. Rearrange my cork board
22. Go to the Smithsonian
23. Decorate cake with Fondant
24. Re-watch the entire (so far) series of LOST
25. Go to Colorado for a visit (maybe)
I'll stop at 25 things, but I'm sure if I sat here and thought for long enough I'd come up with quite a few more.
Hoping that your summer is filled with relaxing and energizing plans!
Monday, June 02, 2008
I love these silly personality quizzes
Your Ice Cream Personality: |
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are. You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible. You are a fairly open minded person with a wide range of tastes. You are quite accepting of unusual ideas and people. You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask. You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way |
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Catching up

Dear Friend,
How've you been the last few days? I've been busy, but it's been the good sort of busy that leads up to a desired end. A very desired end. I can't wait for the end, really. This past Friday was the K3 Celebration at school, and now there are no more classes with the little dears. I'm half relieved and half sad to think that I won't have a hand in molding their young minds anymore. I won't miss the tantrums, the tattling, the yelling, or the crying. I will miss the smiles and laughs and discoveries that mark that age as well. I'll miss the hugs and "Hello Ms. S" and random stories they tell you about themselves. I didn't cry at the goodbyes, and almost feel like an unfeeling jerk because of it. I just don't think I'm cut out for being this sort of teacher, so I don't want to prolong the time.
Two more weeks at the school, I suppose. Then life finally moves on again.
In entertainment news... I'm becoming obsessed with the Itunes commercial for the exclusive song Viva la Vida by Coldplay. If I hear it come on TV I stop what I'm doing watch the commercial. I haven't decided if I'll buy it. I've never listened to Coldplay before. What? Don't look at me like that.
So, how about LOST. So glad that Des and Penny reunited. So sad that Dan and Charlotte said goodbye. Surprised to find that I prefer Kate with Sawyer to Kate and Jack. Dismayed to discover that most of my concern for this show revolves around the relationships. Ha, maybe not. I'm really wishing the next season was coming really, really soon so I can find out what happens to everyone. I wasn't shocked or awed by who was in the coffin. I almost didn't even care. I want to know what's up with Claire. I also want to know what happens to the people in the boat, do they move with the island or are they stranded in the middle of nowhere on the ocean? Otherwise, the finale did well with tying up loose ends of this season. BTW, Penny can't die. I'd cry for days. Or not, but I wouldn't be happy.
Watched Cranford (DVR'ed from PBS) today. It felt like it went on forever and wasn't about anything in particular. It was good, and sweet, but slightly boring. It was like real life, a bunch of small happenings to a large group of people. I won't buy it, or watch it again soon. I like Gaskell, usually, though I haven't read any of her books. Wives and Daughters was about Molly Gibson, North and South was about Margaret Hale and John Thornton, but Cranford was about everybody.
I guess that's it friend,
See you next time.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I still sound like I belong out there!
Created by Xavier on
Western. Like Midland, Western is another accent that people consider neutral. So, you might not actually be from the Western half of the country, but you definitely sound like it.
And if you're not from the West, you are probably one of the following:
(a) A Pittsburgher - the quiz can't tell the difference;
(b) Someone from Canada (probably southern Ontario) who doesn't have a Canadian accent;
(c) Someone from northern New England who doesn't have a New England accent; or
(d) Someone from Texas or the Heartland who was born after 1980.
You are definitely not from New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, the Deep South, etc.</font>
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Coming to an end

Dear friend,
As I'm sure you know the school year is almost over. I have only four more days to work with the children, and officially two weeks after that to clean the classroom. Then I am free, Free, FREE! I don't plan on taking a full two weeks to get out of there, but I don't know if the people in charge are as eager to be rid of me as I am to be rid of them. I can't imagine that I've been altogether pleasant an employee, but I have tried to be professional and up-front about what I thought was fair. This is the only "job" I've disliked. (Job is in quotes because it's only my second paying job, but I've worked at more than two places, and I've worked at a school before.) I remember that at the beginning of the year I told myself that once I was used to the work I'd love it, since that's how I usually am. It wasn't true with this place. Perhaps I'm naive, but I don't think you should work at a job that you don't like. I used to say I wouldn't work a job that I didn't love, but at this point love seems far out of reach of work. I do, however, want to wake up on some Monday mornings without a sense of impending doom and dread. I don't know (still) what's next for me, but I'm not too stressed about that. I wasn't expecting a real summer vacation, but maybe I'll take one anyway. I've got the rest of my life to be responsible and adult over the summer, you know.
In less heavy thinking, I was sick of the last layout and header the instant I put it up. I'm not actually that crazy about Guy of Gisborne, and though Richard Armitage was the only reason I started watching Robin Hood he really isn't enough to keep me watching it. Honestly, it's Much that I ended up adoring. It's maddeningly difficult to find out anything about Sam Troughton, the actor who portrays the lovable Much, but that's OK. What I have found out about him leads me to believe I wouldn't actually like him all that much. I do like his character very much though.
Also very airy and light in thought, I love how the English say "strawberry" and "squirrel".
Friday, May 16, 2008
Such awesome inner conflict

Dear Friend,
Went to see Prince Caspian tonight and it's awfully awesome and awesomely awful. I hate that I love this film. Let me explain... no is too much, let me sum up. (OK, I'll stop quoting Princess Bride. Tonight anyway.) It's an entertaining, exciting and engaging movie. As an adaptation of Lewis's book, it's terrible.
I sat there watching moments in the film thinking, "This is wrong! This is so wrong, that never happened. Good heavens, that was AWESOME! But it shouldn't have happened." I decided to just watch it as a film. I can like both the book and the movie.
I do know that quite a few people will be up in arms about the "inaccuracies." All I have to say in response is, go read the book, and try to picture it all literally in a film. That is one short, weird film, dudes. You have to admit the format in the book isn't a good film. It's a good story, but it wouldn't work on the screen. I'm not saying I completely agree with all the changes they made, but it was a good movie.
I'll probably go see it with my Mum next weekend. She didn't come tonight.
OK, so, what I remember of my random thoughts in the movie: "Can I slap Peter, please? He needs it. I want Susan's wardrobe. Why can't Caspian act? I think I love Edmund, in a non-creepy way... anyway. I want to be Lucy. Reepicheep!!! much love for the mouse!"
OK, enough squee. Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
An apple for the teacher, Pineapple that is!

Dear friend,
I'm not sure exactly which day it is, but some day this week is Teacher Appreciation Day. The school I work at has expanded it to a week. Each day of the week has a different theme for suggested gifts. Today was fruit/snack day. I was given a form last week to fill out with my favorite stuff. I wrote down pineapple partly as a joke. I'm not sure I really love pineapple, I do know I like it OK, but they make me smile, all the time. So, it's pretty cool that I got one, and now I'll have to decide what to do with it. If you have any suggestions, tell me, 'k?
Otherwise, life kinda sucks at the moment. I have to be at work two weeks longer than I thought I did, we have no real plans for the "graduation" we're supposed to do for our students, the teacher I work with is driving me nuts, we got a new student who's trouble and will be getting another tomorrow, and I've been sick since Saturday, I haven't slept through the night for the last two nights, I can't talk because I lost my voice yesterday, and I don't know what I'm going to do for a job or money after this school year. Oh, and did I mention the mouse in the hallway in front of our classroom today? I kind of wish I had made a bigger deal of it and made the visiting prospective parents who were pretty much in each of the neighboring rooms notice it. Yeah, I hate this school that much. I didn't draw attention to it, though. I think it was about to die anyway. It's disturbing to think that I work in a place that has (apparently) vermin. I'd never send my child to this school, it just sucks.
Ahh, that rants done. It feels good to get that off my chest.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
'Nother quiz
You Belong in 1982 |
Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Can't get much more silly, now can we?

Dear Friend,
The new title pic and color scheme have been inspired by Robin Hood's second series premiering on BBCAmerica last night. I was literally the only one in the house who lasted through the entire, stupid, cheesy and absurd episode. The season promises more of the same. I can't wait. I was astonished at some of the ridiculous things I saw and heard, such as Djaq's line, "Pepper. OUCH!" It was so stupid. I know this show was cheesy last year, but it almost seems they threw any serious thoughts out of the window this year. If you've never watched this show and want to try now, I warn you, check your brain at the door. You won't need it, I promise.
Another silly show I watch, Top Gear, has the season finale tomorrow. I'm sad to think I won't have anymore new episodes for awhile. I've gotten rather attached to the Stig, to be honest. Believe me, it's not a crush, that would be plain bizarre. I adored the scheme to drive across the channel in cars converted to boats. I smiled with glee at the love story that was Richard Hammond and Oliver, too. Filling cars with water, 24 hour races with second-hand cars, racing RVs, Star in a Reasonably priced car! All brilliant. I've heard, with dismay, that the US intends to attempt a version of this show. I hope it doesn't make it off the ground, there is no way it could work the same. You need Clarkson, Hammond and May, and no one in the USA is at all like them. I love America and all, but come up with your own ideas, guys! Leave the UK's to the UK!
Although, if they listened to me, I'd never have been such a fan of the US Office. I hate the UK version, sadly.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Can we focus on the good things now?

Dear Friend,
I just want to write and encourage everyone to forget, if only for a moment, the worries and cares and problems we're all going through. Find something that makes you smile, something that for at least a moment makes you truly happy. Even the sound of rain on the roof, the sight of a pretty flower, the taste of your favorite dessert, feel of a fluffy cat, the smell of your favorite perfume can do wonders for a mood. Thank God for the small wonders in life. He gave them to us for a reason. He paid attention to the tiniest details, and we should take time to notice them. Counting small blessings can add up to big gladness.
Yes, there are problems with this world, big ones. But there are also many, many beautiful things that can go unnoticed as we worry. No, focusing on something else won't make everything that's wrong suddenly right, but maybe it can give us inspiration to fix what we can. I dare you to try.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pixar: Have I missed my calling?

Dear Friend,
Well, friend, I have quite decidedly made up my mind that I will not be returning to this school next school year. I am not quite sure why I was there this year, I just know that's where I feel God led me, and now I just have to trust him to lead me again next year.
I've felt drawn to studying or pursuing art as a career. I have no concrete plans yet, but I'm considering it. One particular reason, I suppose, is that I wish I'd studied animation simply to work at Pixar.
I bought "To Infinity and Beyond: The story of Pixar" about a month ago and recently read through it. I knew I liked this company before, but I think I adore it now. I didn't know about Ed Catmull before, and didn't know much about John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton or even Brad Bird before I read this book. I didn't know very much about the difficulties of the medium or even how an actual hand-drawn animation background could help in computer animation.
This book is so informative that even trying to sum up the specific things I've learned would take far too long, and might be tedious to those who aren't rabid fans like me. Personally, I found the story of the start of this studio and even the people who work there to be inspirational. I love that these people knew what they wanted to do and just pursued it. Despite discouragement they persevered.
Talent isn't enough, determination and inspiration are requirements.
If only I'd had some focus, maybe I'd be living in California working at the coolest company I've ever seen.
Well, I'm not doing that. I'm at yet another time of change and uncertainty. I guess there are a lot of those in life, huh? Come on new bend in the road!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Oh no! The TV died!

Dear friend,
That's right, our 65" HDTV kicked the proverbial bucket yesterday. Guess what else happened yesterday. I bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Yeah, talk about bad timing. I moved the wii up to my room, and spent a good part of the day playing SSBB, but I want out TV back. It's only a year old. The fan or the temp gauge isn't working or something, as it will turn on, but only for a few seconds at a time.
Anyway, Brawl is awesome. Spoilers will exist from this sentence on, so, you're warned, OK? I played Subspace Emissary a lot today, so I got a lot of the hidden characters. I didn't think it was possible, but Marth is even prettier than he was in Melee. You see, friend, I used to make fun of Marth, call him Martha and such, because he was such a pretty character. He's downright gorgeous now, and oddly enough I like him for it. I have been trying to play with Ike, but he's so slow that I don't know if I'll keep up with it.
I bought a new case for my DS from Target. It looks like a bowling bag, it rocks. I almost bought the bigger version for the Wii, but I don't take my Wii anywhere usually and I didn't feel like wasting $45.
(By the way, I love this picture of Faraday. Gotta love a guy so odd he'd hold a rat up to his face!)
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I will anyway. I should get ready for bed then. Friends, I miss you all. I really, really do.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Is Daniel Faraday the new Charlie?

Dear Friend,
I'm still loving this season of LOST. I especially liked the confusion ride that was "The Constant" with Desmond being unstuck in time and all. The phone call with Penny was touching and sweet. Des is still my favorite character, but Faraday is giving him a run for his money.
My affection for the physicist especially began to grow in "The Other Woman" when he looked so conflicted after Charlotte knocked Kate out. I actually thought "Awww, he's conflicted, and would probably be lost with C. S. Lewis there." I've no idea why the socially awkward academic type is so endearing on TV. They just are. Faraday is obviously sweet, and that's not usually a word I use to describe grown men.
Anyway, since my weekend started early, I used my extra couple of hours to read people's opinions of the character. I've seen the trend that Charlie Pace fans now like Faraday. A few went as far as to say that they bear a physical resemblance. That, however, I don't see. Perhaps they do, I don't know. I just know that I don't mind Charlie being dead so much now that I've got Danny boy. (Yes, I called him that, mentally of course, during the last episode.)
I'm amused that my favorite characters on this show all end up being vital to each other's story lines; first Charlie and Desmond, now Desmond and Daniel.
Maybe one of these days I'll post something of substance, but I haven't felt like it lately. I'm enjoying the fluff.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
It always comes around back to you

Dear Friend,
I survived Valentine's Day. Spending that particular holiday with 3 and 4 year olds is pretty fun. They get a kick out of getting and giving Valentines to their class mates. They get more of a kick out of having a "party" at the end of the school day, right after the nap.
LOST that night was pretty good too. To have yet another random confession I kinda "heart" Daniel Faraday. I don't know why, at all. I just... do. I sort of consider him my trade-off for killing Charlie. I'm odd that way I guess. I'm interested in the mystery of this show again, and want desperately to know what happens to the people who are not part of the Oceanic 6. Especially after this latest episode where Kate has Aaron. That's just messed up.
Had news of the "crush at first sight". He's doing well, it would seem. Plus, he's not married. Yet. I didn't find a way to really ask if he was engaged without the person I was talking to getting suspicious/weirded out. Who knows, maybe the guy I was talking to was already suspicious/weirded out. At this point I don't care. It's just that I've had at least three dreams of the guy getting engaged and married and was curious. It's weird.
Had a different sort of dream this morning, involving my brother trying his darndest to get me and this other guy together. The dude was not my "type" though. He had light brown hair, but that's all I remember from the dream. I've actually had dreams about being with or marrying guys with light brown or even blond hair for years. I tend to go for dark haired guys, though. Odd.
Miss Psych.
Miss Chuck.
But I'm glad the Writer's Strike is over! Yippee!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Valentines Day is coming! Consider yourself warned!

Dear Friend,
I predict that this year for Valentine's day I will once again be only looking forward to a new episode of LOST. That is exactly the same thing I was focusing on last year. So, my thought that the best V-day present would be someone to offer to watch LOST with me without talking through the episode is still valid.
Anyway friend, I found some videos that seem appropriate for the holiday. If you wish to blame anyone for me posting these (other than me, obviously, since I really am to blame for posting them) blame Livejournal and the "Lassiet" community to be found therein. Blame Livejournal in general for introducing me to the phrase OTP or "One True Pairing" which I find hilarious. Anyway, Juliet/Lassiter is my OTP for Psych.
And one of my favorite songs is is this video.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Yesterday was my birthday

Dear Friend,
Yesterday I had a birthday. However, I am more excited that I have (as far as I can tell) tagged every single post in my blog. This was a completely unnecessary task, but I just wanted to do it. Granted, not all the tags are accurate, some posts don't have a tag that they need. I plan on fixing that over the next few weeks, but right now at least all of them have labels! Yay me!
I took Friday off at work, so I could do some early birthday stuff without the crowds of weekend shoppers and what-not. I went to a huge mall, got fun stuff and ate at Noodles and Company. Such fun. Top it off with a hilarious episode of Psych (though lacking in Juliet/Lassiter interaction... in my opinion) and you've got a great pre-birthday.
Then my dear brother came to visit. On my actually birthday I slept in, played video games, had my favorite dinner and cake. Great day. Even if my brother had me watching Karate Kid.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Year in Review meme

Dear friend,
Here's another meme from LJ.
Post the first sentence (or 2) from each post of 2007. Here we go:
I've wanted to disappear for a few days.
Considering all the things that are going on in the world right now, why do I feel the need to link all my readers to this newstory?
Too many "me"s
It's not really like me to refer people to certain stores or name brands, especially when they aren't paying me, but B&N has such a sale on TV season sets that I felt I must tell all of you.
The other night, I went with my parents to a buffet.
So yesterday was my birthday.
Most girls go through the "boy-band" stage.
Is there any way to say that you feel bored, crowded, lonely, frustrated, and just plain sick of it all without complaining?
So, yeah, I used an Office icon for a new LOST day, but I've got only 1 Desmond icon that I want to save for a special occasion... and I don't fee like looking for a different one right now.
I didn't realize that the first new episode of LOST was going to be about Juliet.
I love this weird cat
Up until about 2 years ago, I loved Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone I love! Hugs all around!
I ought to be writing e-mails, the problem is, I don't feel like it.
I am officially tired of the Others.
I read a message board topic recently, asking people who owned the Wii when they first started playing video games; specifically how old were they and on what system.
On this last day of February for 2007, I just feel like spring is almost upon us.
Wow, what an entertaining episode of LOST.
I miss Psych.
I've never played a Sims game in my life.
So, when your in the process of moving, sometimes things take longer than anticipated.
I ought to be writing out e-mails, I ought to be uploading videos, I ought to be home painting (my room shall be orange, and maybe my blog will be in April, but I haven't decided. If you haven't noticed, I've decided to change the color of my blog every month) but I'm writing in my blog for no good reason.
I'm going through another of those times during which my life is just short of being awful.
Everyone gets stressed.
Excuse "myself" but when did we banish the word "me"?
So, I've been watching and enjoying Robin Hood on BBCAmerica ever since we had DirectTV installed.
I watched ten hours worth of television programming today, my friends.
I've seen Richard Armitage in three roles.
I'm not made for a "buggy" climate.
Ever smiled a sad, sad smile?
I bought Michael Buble's newest Cd "Call Me Irresponsible" today.
So... we had some issues with the wireless Internet access in the house and I haven't been able to surf the net in days.
At Target they are selling a series of CDs called "Influences".
I just watched the nine minute preview for Ratatouille on Yahoo! Movies.
I had a feeling, an awful feeling, that Charlie, my druggie "bloody rock god", would die a stupid, "What are you thinking? That was dumb! You should have done it this way!" sort of death.
So... it's 2AM.
I watch so many hour long television shows that movies now test my patience.
I, about 7 years ago, described myself as a "voice junkie."
OK, so I saw Ratatouille today and I adored it.
Psych is back of Friday, I don't know if I could be happier about a TV show.
I'm at one of those times in life that everyone experiences, I think.
Great moments of the day:
That's how I'll start my entries now, "dear friend."
How was your month of July?
Have you been especially nostalgic lately, like I have?
"What is it with men and 'The Godfather'?" Ah, my friend, "You've Got Mail" is on HBO right now.
Despite the graphic ("pilfered" from a very talented livejournal user, netherfield_x) displayed at the top of my blog for the past month, I had not seen Becoming Jane until this afternoon. My final verdict, it was OK.
How do you like the new banner? I got it from "crazy_in_lost" at livejournal. Nice, eh? I've got something of a James McAvoy interest lately, if you can't tell.
I've had various topics to write about including, among others, the random stray thought that Peter Petrelli of Heroes would be a good K3 teacher.
When you spend an entire week at work do you avoid all work related things for the weekend?
Have you ever looked at a Livejournal page?
A few quizzes because I'm bored.
Why did I use a wallpaper as a title picture?
Seriously, I shouldn't change the banner and background colors with every post. Should I?
Here's a meme I stole from Livejournal.
There is a distinct lack of blogging in my sphere of late.
Wake up Cat
This is where I found the awesome icon this entry is displaying, and many others that rock just as hard.
Yes, I did catch Time Crash on Youtube.
Aren't you excited about Christmas?
I've had a bad day.
Christmas shopping on the Friday evening before Christmas is just. plain. nuts. Don't you agree?
Are you aware that Cary Grant didn't really say that quote so often attributed to him and now gracing my Title slot? He is reported as saying it on the set of Charade and then saying, "There I finally said it."
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Say Hello to my little dog
Dear Friend,
This is my new puppy, Sadie. She's sweet, and fun, and cute. We adopted her on New Year's Eve, but didn't bring her home for almost 2 weeks due to some issues with vet appointments and whatnot. I love her to bits, even if she does have a habit of nipping at my feet as I walk. She's about 3 or 4 months old, and a german shepherd mix. We don't know what the mix is, though.
In other news, I'm in the middle of baking scones. I've never done so before, but we had some muffin mix that had an alternate recipe for scones and just had to try it. I'm praying it comes out well, especially since my last peek in the oven proved it to look like a cinnamon pizza. Come to think of it, a cinnamon pizza sounds pretty good.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I do like TV, yes I do

Dear Friend,
Psych was new last night! Yay! Woo Hoo! Pass the pineapple!
Sorry, I'll try not to do that again. But, no really, I am happy that I can look forward to Friday nights again. It was a good ep, not great, but still funny and... Psych-ish. I liked the sub-plot with Lassi and Jules, mainly because I like the idea of those two together, but I don't actually want them to actually be together on the show. Does that make sense? I just like to insert subtext in my own head.
I also love that now that the N is on 24 hours, I get to see Radio Free Roscoe every day! Squee! (Wow, that's a stupid word, but so expressive!) I really do love this show, in all it's cheesy glory. Even if it does go a trifle soap-opera-ish at times, (Ray/Lily vs. Travis/Lily... who cares) it's fun.
LOST comes back this month. Happy me, but actually I am not looking forward to this as much as I expected. Partially due to the fact that we only get half a season this year, due to the stupid writer's strike. It's also because it's been so long I've lost some of my enthusiasm. I'm also mourning the loss of Charlie (if he did die... I think he did. I'm spoiler-free after all).
I think Chuck returns this month too. I'm not sure when, though.
All in all, January is a good month for my TV viewing. Do a happy dance, friend.
Don't forget that right now, Barnes and Noble is having their Buy 2 get 1 free DVD sale right now. I bought all of Campion, 3 seasons of Last Detective and the 4th season of Gilmore Girls. It's great!